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I couldn't believe this mission we were given, this might be worse than the Ashley waters mission we did a couple if years ago, now the jh-14 is really hitting the streets and it seems to be coming from nowhere. We can't figure out who is supplying it, and we think we get close only for it to come to a dead end.

This is shit I need a break, I tell Kota and everyone I'm headed out for awhile not knowing where I'm going just yet. Probably go to the north shore as that's always been my go to spot to clear my mind.

After driving a while I eventually end up at the north shore. I parked the jeep, looking out into the vast sea and watch as the waves crash upon the shore after last night's storm, what I would have thought to be a calm sea was anything but. It's like they were angry,but the way they crashed it wasn't just angry, they almost looked heartbroken. So I just shrugged me shoulders and went to walk the beach to favorite spot.

As I walked along, clearing my head, I looked up to see something at the line where the ocean meets the sand. I get iritated at the thought of someone just dumping their trash, but as I got closer I realized it was a person.

I practically ran the rest of the way, to notice it was a girl,not knowing if she was dead or alive,I proceeded with caution,crouched down next to here to check for a pulse and relieved when I found one.

I brushed the hair from her face and gasped at the beauty in front me, soft skin, button nose, long lashes, pouty pink lips. She was small but I'm a a healthy way, from what I could see.

I picked her up and settled her up on the sand away from the waters edge and waited for her to wake up.


When I watched north walk out of the Sargeant jasper where we recide right now, I knew he need time to process everything going on with this mission and what we haven't been able to figure out. This mission was probably worse then our Ashley waters mission we did a few years back, and now that we have joined with axels team making us a team of fourteen,it was hard but we made it work.

I was just talking to Axel when my phone rang.  It seemed we might have another lead to go by. Their was a yacht off the coAst of the north shore that we should check out. It seemed to have been their a couple of days, and has yet to move, no one could catch any ody coming or going from it, but they have seen movement on it. So with the end of the call from Dr. Roberts,I call a family meeting,we will fill north in later, the way my hot headed brother left here would be better for every one at the moment to let him be.


I was just getting off a shift at the hospital when Owen called an emergency family meeting,I just groaned because All I wanted to do was go back to the apartment and sleep, I was truly exhausted and the cafeteria was out of apple pie. So I didn't get to have my love today.oh well time to go home and see what this is all about.


Ever get that deja Vu feeling,where this is happened before but can't put your finger on it. That's what this feels like, my team and I before merging with the Blackbourne team had this mission where it included certain gangs and the drug jh-14, but that came to a stand still when we hit a dead end on one of our leads. The call came in anonymously and informed us to hurry,that we didn't have much time till things went dark again. We didn't know who it was,just that it was a girl of some sort.never got her name,where she was or how she knew who we were. But by the time we figured things out, they were already packed and moved. So with the new stuff hitting the streets we can only hope to catch them this time, and I think this is the same group from that one mission.

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