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I tell her we need to talk,and with the movement of her eyes she knows I mean business, so a
I ask Phil if there was a place her and I could talk privately, he says we can use his office and him and the two boys will leave.

I look to Sang after they have left and we sit in silence for a few minutes,I then ask her where is Stephan little heart. She tells me everything, and how she jumped from the yacht as there was no other way. She said didn't want to live anymore and that broke my heart, but while I think things through, I can not have her at my place for a couple of days and tell her so.

She just looks at me with the unshed tears in her eyes, I tell her we have unexpected guests at the compound that we don't need to find her. She nods in understanding, I think of what to do,when their is a knock on the door. I sit just so she's out of sight of the door and tell them to come in,only to find Alexai has now joined us and comes rushing over to her. With that I back up and they embrace each other with the live they have for each other, I tell them both we need a week then she can come join us at the Russian compound. My son knows why,but it doesn't hurt any less,knowing we won't have her in our grasp for the week. And from what she told me, the only cloths she has are the ones on her back at the moment,not even shoes, now to find some one to be a guard for the week and a place to stay,can't exactly set her up in a hotel. She may know many languages but they would eat her alive out here.

I can't believe after all this time Stephan would treat her that way. But now the poor girl,all she wants is to be free from this life she was dealt. But with Alexai and myself by her side,she will make it through,after all we are family to her and it's the family we choose.

I suggest to them that we ask Phil who is academy to help us with this. Once she heard this all hell broke loose
She was speaking about a mile a minute and started yelling.(italics is french spoken).

Why do we need to talk to the academy,I hate the academy,you know that. They took him away from me,they have never helped me. I always have helped them when I could,but what did I get,nothing, i was neatened till I was black and blue all over, I had more broken bones then I could count, I have permanent damage to my throught thanks to her,then to top it all off I'm sold to Pierre and Stephan because my father couldn't pay for his debt,sure it was ok for the first couple if years,then the harsh words and beatings started again and from the one I thought would love me, did I love him,no,but atleast I was safe,or so I thought. Now you tell me I have to wait another week before I can be home with you.i love you both,but I. Ant live on the street for a week either. Don't exactly have identity either,thanks to dear old dad and his selfish ways I don't exist. But now you want me to depend on the academy after all I have been through since that day. I don't think so.) 

With tears streaming down my face and the yelling,my voice finally cracked. With my head bent down, I hear the door open and three sets of feet come in,asking what's going on, and papa Nikolai explains that he can't take me home with him for another week due to unforseen circumstances, being Russia Mafia head he needs to keep certain things away from the academy. And the way they overlooked my issues,let's just say I hate the organization with a passion. While they do good, they have never helped me. The day my step mother almost killed me in the shower, was the day I gave up on the academy. And knew I had to help myself, but that day never came as I was sold the next day to Pierre and Stephan. So I have never been free to do as I please. I've always felt caged,no wings to fly away. I only stop long enough to hear a booming voice asking what the hell is going on.

And with that Nikolai tells them that I need a place for a week, and for someone to take me shopping so that I can get what I need seeing as I don't have anything including shoes to wear.

Phil asks if they could help and the other Dr. With green eyes smiles and tells them that his brothers could help,
I just look to Nikolai with my face open like a book telling him not to do this to me. He just gives a big sigh and says Odette it's only for a week, I will come get you and we can be the family we have always wanted to be.

I look at him with a defeated look and nod my head. I also don't miss him calling me Odette in front of these people, atleast he remembered that name as we don't wanting anyone accidentally given off my real name till the Pierre and Stephan are out of the country. With a look to the academy people I just grin and bare it. Ugh let the good times roll,hopefully no one bugs me while I'm under the care if the academy as I roll my eyes. And with a few words of exchange between Nikolai and the academy I give a hug and kiss to him and Alexai. And follow the younger boys out of the office.

Dr. Roberts

When he asked me to give them privacy I didn't know what to expect, but I took north and Sean with me and left them to their privacy, when we were out of earshot of the doors the boys asked you she was and why she can't be in the academy hospital. And who the heck was the guy that just walked in, I tell them, that is the academy's biggest regret, I tell them the story of how the academy rescued a pup at the age of eight,only to find him clutching to a little bird,trying to get us to take her with us, by the looks of her we could tell she had a home, and a loving family, so we told him she had to stay here,with both of them crying and hugging we left with the pup, not realizing the little bird while she had a home, we didn't know the abuse she was receiving and because we didn't have name we couldn't go back to help. I told them how the pup became an insecure boy until he met his academy family, while he still has his insecurities he atleast is thriving. I told them that through the years we would send academy members to search her out with no luck, I told them about how a girl with a heavy french accent would make calls with information on a case the academy was involved in,but we never got a name and could never trace it back to anyone in particular. I tell them how it seemed one day she truly just disappeared,having minimal help from her over the last couple of years. I told them a couple of years ago we had finally heard from her again, one that the toma team took. Only to figure it out too late. And since then she had gone silent. She would always  give a different name when she came across a team and it would always be places where you least expect it,then she would just disappear again. So with her despise for the academy we were giving a photo and phone number that would be updated to a current one and was told to just treat her,call the phone number left and let her go. Turns out that number was for that guy that just walked in there, Nikolai Popov, head of the Russian Mafia. They just look at me with wide eyes and a pales expression. Would have been hilarious if it wasn't for the position we are in

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