Too Much For A Tuesday

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I'm fully convinced something is wrong. There is nothing anyone could tell me that would change my mind!

My chest ached, my heart burned, my vagina is basically leaking, my wolf hasn't stopped crying since last night, and I can't breathe properly! My face was red and hot to the touch, I felt like death.

I was currently in a big bath of ice while my father, Zeke, poured water over my head.

"Is this helping?" He asked, as the water fell down my face.

I slowly shook my head. Nothing was helping me right now. Just like a menstrual cycle gets lighter as the days go by, heat is meant to get easier as the days go by. I don't think my body gets the memo!

"Zion, are you sure?" My mother asked, walking in the bathroom with my brother on speaker.

"Yes I'm sure. I'm meeting with an Alpha right now, mother. I suppose if she is in that much pain you guys could come here and use my doctor. You and father could meet Alpha Kai If you want" he said, sounding annoyed.

She has been blowing him up non-stop, I guess she finally got him to budge. As his sister I do get to be seen by one of the best doctors, but as the alpha he gets seen by the best doctor.

Doctor Jay knows everything! She's the best doctor EVER. Many wolves from different packs try to get seen by her everyday.

"Thank you! She really needs to get seen!!" My mother basically cheered. "We're leaving out now!"

She hung up the phone and smiled big at me.

"Finally!" I said, my throat dry and cracking.

My father tried to help me up, but all he did was hurt me! Any touch felt horrible!

It took 15 minutes to successfully get out of the tub and into my room.

My father didn't want me going there half naked, so he picked me out something easy to put on. Tank top and some shorts.

After getting dressed, which took 10 minutes, we made our way to my mothers car. She cranked up the air and started on the drive.

"Please stop hurting me" I said to my wolf.

She didn't answer me, she just cried louder! This has to be a joke, a stupid joke!

"Zara when you get here please try your best to behave. You are a reflection of your brother" my mother reminded me, but at the moment I couldn't give less of a fuck.

The drive there took 12 minutes, thankfully we lived pretty close to him. The whole drive I screamed in pain. I know my parents' ears were just about bleeding. I hate that they have to deal with this, all because my wolf wants dick!

My mother parked her car and basically ran to help me out. She kept telling me how sorry she was but all I heard was my wolf.

My wolf seemed to perk up. Instead of just crying she started howling and passing back and forth. If it was even possible my pain hit stronger and brought me to my knees.

My parents yanked me back up and started to drag me to the door. They did not want anyone seeing the alpha's sister so vulnerable. I could only imagine how my smell was affecting the male wolves.

My father pulled out the key, quickly opening the door to his house.

"Oh my, Mr,Mrs, and Miss Sanders, is everything okay?" One of his guards asked, before his eyes flickered. His wolf was trying to take control, and my smell was why!

"Step down boy!" My father growled, hovering over the guard as me and my mother made our way to my brother's office.

The closer we got, the louder my wolf howled. She was clawing to get free, aching to be freed. I couldn't let her. I just know she would bone the closest male. 

She knocked on the door and we waited for him to open it.

We waited.

And waited.


Getting overly frustrated I forced the doors open, I couldn't keep waiting no more. Once the doors were open I could see why he didn't answer.

Kylie was on the ground with some she-wolf holding her down. Luckily his office was sound proof because everyone was yelling!

My brother was in his human form but you could see that his wolf was in control by his eyes. He was holding someone against the wall.

Papers were everywhere, his desk had holes in it, and someone's blood was on the floor.

This is too much for a Tuesday!

With a sharp pain slicing through my vagina, I let out yet another ear piercing scream. One made everyone look at me.

"Mine"a deep growl sounded from the other side of the room. I locked eyes with the male that my brother was holding down and my wolf started scratching the inside of my mind.

Other than the blood on his cheek he was breathtakingly handsome! Perfect spiky hair, strong jaw line, brown eyes, fluffy lips, and light freckles around his nose. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

He took advantage of the fact that my brother was now focused on me, and pushed him onto his own desk. He ran to me with impressive speed and forced me into his arms.

Like a breath of fresh air, all of the pain stopped. My heart rate slowed, my body cooled, even my head stopped pounding.

He smelled like delicious cookies and it warmed my heart.

He was pretty built judging by the feel of his muscles.

His strong arms wrapped protectively around my waist. It made me feel so safe! I slowly wrapped mine around his neck, making my whole body feel so calm.

"Mate" my wolf hummed in my head.

"Get your hands off of my sister!" My brother yelled, making me let go. My mate still held on to me. I felt him growling on my chest.

"If you touch my alpha, I'll kill you myself" the purple headed she wolf said. I don't know who she is but no one is touching my brother!

I heard my mother and Kylie  growl protectively, both of them looking at the girl like they could kill her right there.

"Fine, you all can die!" She growled!

"Abigail! Stop. No one is killing anyone" my mate said, still not letting me go.

His voice!

So pleasant and manly. I felt a pool start to fill my panties, he was so overwhelming.

"Funny, you still got your hands on my sister!" My brother said, walking to us.

"I'll let her go if she wants me to,"he said, tightening his grip. That only made my brother more upset as he launched at us.

Before he got to us, my father was in between us.

"Everyone calm down! You try to fight him and you'll start a whole war!" My father said, looking around.

Everyone took a second to try to relax, or at least not try to kill each other.

Yep too much for a Tuesday!

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