Chapter 1

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•• Izuku's POV ••

I go through my paperwork to make sure there aren't any silly mistakes. I see there are no mistakes so I put it aside then go on the laptop to answer emails. "This is so boring and tiring," I mumbled, typing on the laptop. I continue answering emails until there's a knock on the door. I called out, "You may come in." I hear the clattering noise and immediately can tell it's my assistant. "Sir, you seem stressed out, shall I help you with that," she flirted, as I looked up.

She wore skimpy clothes with her shirt revealing too much cleavage and the skirt is way too short. She placed the files on my desk and leaned forward to me but I backed away. "Ms. Fujisaki, you're not wearing appropriate clothes and you're being unprofessional." She chuckles and gives me a flirty smile then tries to reach out to me. "Didn't you choose me amongst other candidates because I'm prettier," Ms. Fujisaki asked, unbuttoning her shirt.

I couldn't help but laugh at her preposterous question and she thought I chose her because she's good-looking. "Haha, what an inflated ego you have! You have no respect for yourself! Hell, the Devil isn't that desperate to have sex with you! The only reason you're here is because of your decent resume." Her jaw dropped and she stopped unbuttoning her shirt while I chuckled at her. I leaned towards her and spoke out, "You must be punished for your sins."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Oh, come now. Why do humans act innocent when they know about their deeds?"

"Um... T-that's because-"

"You're fired, Ms. Fujisaki. Don't ever think about showing your caked-up face here again."

She started screaming at me which annoyed the hell out of me until I had enough. "You do not scream at me! Learn your place, you pathetic human," I roared, punching my desk. This caused her to flinch and shut up while I pulled my fist out of the hole I made. "Go! Take your whore ass out of here!" She quickly buttons up her shirt and runs out of my office crying. "What an idiot. Damn, I need a drink after that," I mumbled, going over to the minibar.

I pull out a bottle of cognac and start drinking straight out the bottle then set it down. I turn around and see Dad staring at me while I walk over to him. "What? You wanted some, too, Dad? You know I can always open another bottle." We chuckled and he pulled out a flask then proceeded to drink from it. "Don't mind if I do, Son. I'll need to fill up my flask again," Dad responded, holding up his now empty flask. "What are you doing here, Dad?"

"I came to visit you and to see how you're doing. But I saw what happened," he spoke out, placing his hand on my shoulder. "It was quite entertaining to watch. What are you going to do now that you fired your assistant?" I sighed and walked over to my desk to see the files then shrugged. "I'm not sure. I think I'll be fine without an assistant," I answered,  going through the files. "Oh no, you'll be way too busy with being the lord of Hell and CEO."

"Aren't you forgetting-"

"Of course, and my little grandchildren! They're different from human children."

"Of course, they are different from human children. They're demons."

"I don't mean that, Izuku. They're quite the negotiators and they take bribes. Also, they steal bottom treats from vending machines. You taught them well, Son."

We laugh as I walk over to the minibar and take out a bottle of bourbon then pour us a drink. "Here's to me for having little monsters," I cheered, as we took a sip. "By the way, how's Mom? I should visit you guys." Dad sighs but smiles as he takes another sip from his cup. "She drives me crazy but I love her," he answered, finishing up his glass. "I should finish my glass before one of the employees comes inside with more boring work."

Dad nodded his head while I gulped down the rest of my drink then Dad walked over to the minibar. "Damn, Son, you have the good stuff. Look at these high-quality boozes," he exclaimed, checking out each bottle. "Of course, we can't get drunk but at least they taste good." Dad filled up his flask and took the cup from me then I decided to call the front desk. I spoke on the phone, "Hello, order a new office desk for me after that skank ran out crying."

I hung up before they could reply to me and went ahead to continue answering emails. "Well, Son, I'm going to head off now. Enjoy the tedious amount of work. Tell the little urchins I say hi," Dad said, tapping on my desk. "Yeah, sure. I'll tell them." He disappeared right before someone came knocking on the door then I spoke up, "You may come in." The doors swing open and reveal the receptionist with a stack of files in her arms and close the doors behind her.

"Sir, the new office desk just came in. I had it brought here if that's okay with you." I stopped typing and stood up from my desk then walked over to the receptionist. "Good, good. Have them leave it here and I'll do the rest," I said, pointing at the ground. She nodded her head and stepped aside then I swung the doors wide open. The movers came in and placed the new desk where I pointed, then I paid them before they left my office.

"Right, who are these files for?"

"Um... These are for you, Sir."

"Great. Just great. More tedious work."

"I-I'm sorry, Sir. Usually, Ms. Fujisaki handles them but you fired her. I have no choice but to give the files to you... Wouldn't it be better for you to hire someone to replace Ms. Fujisaki?"

I scoffed at her suggestion and took the files away from her then opened the doors for her. She walked past me and I responded, "I'm pretty sure that I don't need an assistant. And you should go back to work." I closed the doors at her face and used my powers to switch the desks so as not to waste any more time then went straight back to work. "Bloody hell, these damn files... I should pop back to Hell since time is much slower there," I mumbled, looking through the files.

• 2 Months Later •

Working nonstop took a toll on me and my personal life. I didn't sleep for the last two months. I only drank coffee mixed with alcohol and didn't get to spend time with the kids. "Izuku, you should hire an assistant," Mom exclaimed, with a worried look on her face. "No, I'm fine without any help, Mom." She shook her head and yelled at me, "No, you're not fine! You've been drinking coffee mixed with alcohol and you don't spend time with the children!"

"... Fine, I'll put an ad for the position after that whole shambles two months ago... I'm only doing this to spend time with my little monsters."

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