Chapter 7

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•• Izuku's POV ••

As soon as Ms. Uraraka closed the doors, I went over to my cup of coffee and drank all of it in one gulp then thought about what she said. "Little does she know that I'm not human but a demon," I mumbled, setting the empty cup down. "Humans tend to not believe in the supernatural, Honey." I turn around to see Mom smile and hug me, I return the gesture and reply, "You do have a point, Mom. But, some humans believe dumb conspiracy theories." We let go of each other when I started thinking about what Ms. Uraraka said about her wardrobe issue.

Her voice kept ringing in my head, "I didn't have any more formal outfits... I didn't have any more formal outfits... I didn't have any more formal outfits." I shook my head when Mom noticed it and asked, "What's wrong, Izuku?" I responded to her, "Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry, Mom." She stared at me as if she didn't believe me so Mom objected, "It doesn't seem like nothing, Izuku. Tell me what's wrong right now." I let out a sigh and replied, "I just kept remembering what my new assistant said to me."

Mom gently grabbed my hand and questioned me, "What did she say to you?" Mom is kind even though she's a demon but if someone gets on her bad side then all hell breaks loose when she's furious. "She said and I quote, 'I didn't have any more formal outfits. She came from a poor family, so she had to work multiple jobs to keep her family afloat," I informed Mom, as she let go of my hand. "That's horrible, Izuku! But at least she's working for you as an assistant though." I let out a small smile and nodded when Mom just stared at me.

"What is it, Mom?"

"No, nothing. I just spaced for a minute, Honey."

"Oh, okay. Anyway, I have to go back to work."

"Yeah, I have to go back home before your kids get out of hand for your dad."

"I'm sure Dad is fine with the kids. Bye, Mom, I love you."

"Bye, Honey. I love you, too."

Mom disappears as I sit down on my chair and go back to work when I look up and see Eri standing across from me with her arms crossed. "What is it, Eri? Can't you see that I'm busy?" I blurted out, turning my attention back to the files. "Where is that new assistant of yours?" I stopped working and answered with a question, "Why do you want to know?" I continue writing on the files but I have my ears perked up then Eri replies, "I'm just curious, Izuku. So, where is she?" I didn't give it a second thought and responded, "She's busy, Eri."

Eri continued, "Okay, then, I'll just wait in your office." Before she could get comfy, I stopped her, "You might want to postpone your visit because I have a mission for you." I hear her footsteps as she approaches me then sits on my desk and snaps at me, "I see, the King of Hell is hiding a human mortal from me. Yet you pique my interest, what does the 'mission' intel?" I stop writing on the files and look up at her then continue, "I know you were sarcastic but at least I've got your attention. It's a little dirty work but you'll love it."

Eri looked tempted to the point that she waited for me to continue as I stayed quiet for a moment. "Well? What is this amazing 'mission' that I'll love all about?" she asked, crossing her arms. She tops her arm impatiently, making me smirk so I suggest, " I want you to take back ALL of the money that I've invested in that pathetic school." Eri knows which school I'm talking about since I've invested so much in that supposed school but after that bullshit happened, I'm taking back all my money and running that school for good.

"Aren't you letting them off too easily? Why not torture them?" she protested, stopping her impatient pats. It wasn't a bad idea to just torture the humans physically but my plan is far superior. I emphasized, "That school will fall to the ground because I was their biggest investor. Imagine their faces when all that money is gone and the best part is we front row seats to that show fest." Eri thought about it and smirked, "There's no way I'm passing this up, sounds like a lot of fun. Consider it done, your royal majesty."

She gets down from my desk and begins stretching her limbs when a gust of wind comes into the office. Eri let out a groan while I let out a long sigh, he always comes when we're preparing for a funfest. I get up in my chair and walk over to Eri to stand in front of her. I can try to distract Katsuki while she gets ready for the mission." What a surprise, Katsuki. It's unpleasant to see you," I greeted, putting my hands behind my back. I start making signs for her to leave and start the preparations then I'll meet her later.

"You've been visiting quite often, Katsuki. Any particular reason?"

"Just making sure you don't cause any trouble."

"I'm a little offended, Katsuki. Nobody is going to get hurt... Well, not in a few hours."

"You should've NEVER brought that girl with you from the depths of Hell. She's a menace to humanity, she'll cause you nothing but trouble."

"Please, since when did you care about humanity? Eri is capable of living amongst humans, she goes to school to keep herself busy. Plus, she knows how to cover her tracks so don't ever say bullshit like that."

"I'm just letting you know, Izuku. Be careful with that girl though."

I roll my eyes and shrug him off then I say, "Don't need you or any other angels to tell me to be careful." I walked over to the mini bar and poured myself a drink then Katsuki spoke up, "Don't say I didn't warn you, Izuku." He disappears without saying a word then I start drinking my glass when there's a knock on the door. I quickly finished my glass and called out, "You may come in." I place the glass down and walk away from the mini-bar then the door opens, and Ms. Uraraka comes into the office with the cart.

I greeted her, "Oh, hello, you finished your task fast. Very impressive, Ms. Uraraka. "She placed the cart back in its place and thanked me with a smile. I stared at her without knowing it and felt my heart squish but didn't understand why. I rub my chest to stop the feeling and Ms. Uraraka notices it and then asks, "Sir, are you okay? Do you feel any discomfort? Should I call for help?" She walks over to me with a worried look and reaches out for me but I come back to my senses and respond, "No, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

She quickly recoiled and frowned at my sudden response. I guess she's still worried about me. "I can assure you that I'm fine so don't worry frown or you'll get wrinkles," I assured her, gently rubbing in between her eyebrows. She softens her frown and gives me a small smile, I feel my heart squish again. I brush it off and stop the rubbing as I look at the time on my watch, I have time to kill. "Ms. Uraraka, do you want to have lunch with me?" I invited, drawing back my hand.

She looked nervous and thought about it for a moment but hesitated, "... I don't know, Sir... Is it lunchtime already?" She was still uncertain about having lunch with me so I reassured her, "No, it's fine. Don't worry, I don't have any meetings today. I'm hungry so I'm sure you're also hungry." Ms. Uraraka thought it over again and opened her mouth to say something but suddenly there was a loud growl. I couldn't help but laugh as she blushed profusely and covered her crimson red face in embarrassment.

"Y-you know w-what? H-having lunch s-sounds nice."

"Haha, great! Let's get the hell out of here."

I gently grabbed her shoulders and pushed her out of the office then grabbed something while I was at it. Ms. Uraraka stopped her tracks and called out, "Wait, Sir! I need my purse!" I simply replied. "Oh, you mean this thing?" I held up a worn-out handbag, it was to the point that the handbag needed to be replaced. She takes it from me and I tell her, "Ms. Uraraka, you don't have to worry about paying for the meal." She didn't say anything and walked away, feeling embarrassed that I decided to do something about her situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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