Chapter 4

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•• Izuku's POV ••

Ms. Uraraka answered, "I saw the ad in the newspaper when I was reading, Sir. Yes, I can handle the workload since I've been working multiple part-time jobs for the past couple of months. The reason why I'm eager to get this job is that my family is poor, Sir." I gave a small smile and went to my chair then looked through her resume. "What a resume you have, Ms. Uraraka. I'm impressed, it's the best resume I've seen all morning, about bloody time," I exclaimed, standing up from my chair and going over to her.

I leaned against my desk and crossed my arms but I do have another question for her that I'm quite curious about. I leaned forward to her and said, "I have another question for you if you don't mind, Ms. Uraraka." She shook her head so I asked her, "Do your parents know that you're here instead of working on those part-time jobs?" She answered, "No, they don't know. My health went down the drain but I've recovered." I pulled away from Ms. Uraraka and smirked at her then I replied, "Ah, what a naughty yet ambitious human you are, Ms. Uraraka."

She gave me a confused look but let out a small smile so I held out my hand and she took it then we shook hands. Her small hand is so soft as velvet when I first touched her hand then I spoke up, "Well, I got myself an ambitious assistant. It will certainly be an interesting experience to have you here, Ms. Uraraka." We let go of our hands and she gave me the biggest smile that I've seen, then she threw her arms around me which surprised me. I felt my heart squish by her sudden movement and subconsciously my arms wrapped around her small frame.

I can smell her sweet floral perfume which has an intoxicating scent that can make any man go crazy. I felt my heart squish again but I don't understand why so I quickly came to my senses and let go of her when I realized our position. I cleared my throat and spoke up, "Well, now that it's over. You'll start tomorrow but today I'll personally give you a tour around the building." Ms. Uraraka blushed a little in embarrassment and answered, "I-I'm sorry, I got so happy. Please, give me a tour around the building."

I nodded my head and quickly grabbed my flask that's on my desk before we began to leave my office. "Hey! You can't be drinking right now," she exclaimed, standing up from her seat. "Ms. Uraraka, I'm your boss and you're my assistant." She shook her head and replied, "Not really. I'm not working until tomorrow, Sir." I let out a smile and put my flask away inside my suit and answered, "Mmm, touché, Ms. Uraraka." I open the door and let her go before me then I close the door behind me.

Right, when I was about to give her the tour, my phone started ringing and I took it out from the inside of my suit. I took a look at the screen then spoke up. "Sorry, I need to take this. Can you wait for me here?" Ms. Uraraka nodded her head while I went over to the other end of the hallway and picked up the phone then answered, "Hello, the Devil speaking." I could hear someone hiccupping and sob on the other side of the call then they spoke up, "D-Daddy? I-is that you?"

My heart suddenly started beating fast only to hear my baby daughter crying. "Shh, it's me, Princess. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked, calming her down. "Peeps were being mean to me becawse of my hair and eyes." My blood began to boil in anger and I'm so close to tearing this pace down that I asked, "Where are your brothers?" She answered, "Buddies cawught them and fawght them. Now, they in trawble, Daddy." I replied, "Okay, I'm coming there." I hung up and turned to Ms. Uraraka then walked over to her.

"Sorry, Ms. Uraraka, but I'm afraid I can't give you a tour today."

"Why not? Is there something wrong, Sir?"

"It's nothing to worry about, Ms. Uraraka. I just need to take care of some little monsters and that's it."


"Yes, they're naughty little monsters so I must go now."

"Then, who's going to give me a tour?"

The elevator rang and I turned my head only to see Mr. Shouji comes out of the elevator with some files then I spoke up, "I'll have Mr. Shouji give you a tour." He looks up when he hears me say his name and walks over to us then bow down towards me. "Mr. Shouji, can you give my new assistant a tour around the building?" I asked, lightly pushing Ms. Uraraka forward. He nodded his head then I spoke up. "Ms. Uraraka, even though he doesn't talk much, he gets the job done. So, you're in good hands and now I'll take my leave."

I quickly went to the elevator and continuously pushed the elevator's button until it opened its doors then went inside. I continuously pushed the elevator's ground button as the doors closed in front of me and began to wait but then my blood began to boil in anger again as my baby daughter's words repeated over and over again in my mind. "Those ill-mannered little humans hurting my little monster," I mumbled angrily, clearing my fists. The elevator rang and I walked out of the elevator then went straight to my car.

• 20 Minutes Later •

I finally arrived at the school after going over the speed limit, passing red lights, and bribing police officers. The school is for students from prestigious families so of course, I enrolled my little monsters there. I got out of my car and went inside the school then walked through the hallway then I made it to the main office. I take a deep breath and open the door without knocking, then I see my daughter running towards me. I kneel and she hugs me as I pick her then she exclaimed, "Daddy, you here!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at how my baby daughter mispronounced words and her grammar is off although I find it cute. My baby daughter's name is Mieko and she's two years old. Mieko is special because she has big round heterochromia eyes with her right eye being green and her left eye being brown, permanent pink blush on her cheeks with freckles on the bridge of her nose, and long brown wavy hair with a natural green ombre. She looks like her mother but I can't tell her that or she'll start questioning me about her mother.

My twin sons walk towards me with bruises and cuts but I smile at them and pat their heads. The oldest twin's name is Toshiro and he's the exact copy of me while the other twin's name is Hiroshi and he looks like me although he has brown eyes and brown hair. They're four years old and their job is to protect their baby sister while I'm not there with them. The same thing goes when their aunt isn't there. "Show me the humans so I can talk to them," I ordered, putting Mieko down on the floor.

They all pointed at a couple of boys who have much worse bruises and cuts than my sons' injuries. It also seemed that they're a couple of years older than my sons. I walked over to them and kneeled in front of them with a fake smile then they just scoffed as if I'm going to lecture them. I spoke up. "Hello, bullies, did you know there's a special section in Hell reserved for bullies? So, have fun." I blink my eyes only to reveal my devil eyes to them and they scream then I blink again to change my eyes back to green just as the door opens.

"What happened here?"

"Oh, I think these two are feeling quite guilty of what they did to my children."


"I'm taking my children with me and we're not coming back here ever again."

I walked away from the school administration and the bullies with my little monsters and went out of the main office then walked through the empty hallway. We make it out of the building and I see Hell's greatest torturer Eri leaning against my car then the little monsters run-up to her to hug her. "Auntie Eri, do you have make-up wipes? Hiro and I are wearing make-up," Toshi explained, wiping the make-up with his sleeve. Eri smirked and handed them a make-up wipe then I spoke up, "Well played, Kids. Well played indeed."

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