Chapter 3

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•• Izuku's POV ••

I was prepared to start the monotonous workload when the office phone started ringing so I picked it up. "Good morning, Sir. There are women here to take the interview with you. Should I send them up?" the receptionist asked, and I could hear the woman chattering on the other line. I gripped the edge of the desk and answered, "Yes, send them up." I hung up before she could reply and let out a long sigh then turned my head to look at the minibar. I murmured under my breath, "I'm gonna have to wait until the interviews are over."

I heard the door being knocked on a couple of times so I spoke up, "You may come in." I turned my head only to see a woman wearing skimpy clothes which made my left eye twitch in anger. She's wearing a blue low-cut blouse that shows too much cleavage and a very short skirt. She gave me a seductive look but I couldn't stand the sight of her and blurt out, "Can you leave your resume on my desk?.. But, I have a question for you." She placed her resume on my desk and answered, "Sure, what's your question, Sir?"

I asked, "Where did you see the company's advertisement?" She takes a moment to think and answers, "Well, on the TV, Sir." She gave me an innocent smile but dared to lie to my face. I nodded my head then spoke up, "Okay, you can wait outside while I go over your resume. Can you call the next person for me? I'm only doing this to give everyone a chance." I gave her a fake smile while she stood up with a flirty smile then winked at me. I just cleared my throat then she spoke up, "Anything for you, Sir."

The skank opened the door and called out the next person then walked out leaving the door open. The person came in and closed the door behind them then I looked up to see them. It's another woman wearing skimpy clothes which made my left eye twitch again. She's wearing a red low-cut tank top that shows too much cleavage and shoulders also the skirt is too short. I didn't give her a chance to sit down so I blurted out, "Can you leave your resume on my desk?.. But, I have a question for you if you don't mind."

She placed her resume on my desk and answered, "Sure, what's your question, Sir?" I asked, "Where did you see the company's advertisement?" Without any hesitation, she answered, "Well, on the website ads, Sir." She smiled sweetly at me but it's a poised smile because she lied to me. I nodded my head then spoke up, "Okay, you can wait outside while I go over your resume. Can you call the next person for me? I'm only doing this to give everyone a chance." She winked at me then spoke up, "Anything for you, Sir."

• 5 Minutes Later •

Ugh, all of the women were the same wearing skimpy clothes and being liars. I skimmed through their resumes and they were so atrocious that I dumped the resumes in the trash can shredder. I let out a long sigh then the office phone suddenly started ringing so I picked it up. "Good morning again, Sir. There's a lady here to take the interview with you. Should I send her?" the receptionist asked, but I didn't hear anything on the other line. I let out a sigh and answered, "Sure, send her up."

I stood up from my chair and went over to the minibar and gulped down some whiskey. I went out of my office and saw the skanks waiting for my answer with anticipation then I yelled out, "None of you got the position because you're dressed like whores and your resumes were atrocious! Now, get the hell out of my company before I call security!" They all ran down the hallway crying while I went back to my office and I saw Dad drinking straight out of my bottle of cognac over at the minibar.

"Hello, Son, how are you today?"

"Don't get me started, Dad. All these women dressed up like whores and lied to my face. Tch, what pathetic humans. They're trying too hard."

"Son, don't you remember that one special human?"

"Don't mention her, Dad... You can take the bottle of cognac with you since there's another human coming here."

"Okay... Talk to you later, Son."

Dad disappeared with the bottle of cognac while I went over to my chair and sat on it and started looking out of the window. I heard the door being knocked so I spoke up, "You may come in." I continued looking out of the window and took a deep breath then spoke up, "Welcome to Blaze Company, Miss. Shall we get started with the interview?" I spun my chair around and was taken back to see a familiar face that I didn't think I'd ever see again. She seemed dumbfounded when she saw me and she spoke up, "Midoriya?"

I recomposed myself and blurted out, "Ah, you're surprised to see me. Don't worry, I have that effect on humans." She doesn't say anything but passes her resume to me. "Okay, before I start the interview... Can you quickly stand up for me, Ms. Uraraka?" I asked, looking into her eyes. "Huh, why?" I didn't say anything but stood up and walked over to her then pulled out a flask from the inside of my suit. I take a good look at her and see her wearing a white and black polka dot twofer dress.

The dress reaches above her knees although I'm enjoying the view very much because the dress hugs her curves perfectly. I cleared my throat before she started feeling uncomfortable so I opened my flask and started drinking from it. "Um... Sir, it's too early to drink alcohol," Ms. Uraraka said, taking the flask away from me. "I-I'm sorry, Sir. But, you shouldn't be drinking alcohol." I didn't say anything but took out another flask from the inside of my suit then spoke up, "No worries, I always carry an extra."

"But, what about your health?"

"Don't worry, I'm the picture of health. Shouldn't you be worried about your interview instead of my health?"

"But, your health is way more important."

"Don't worry, I can't get drunk. But, there's no harm in trying though. I am the Devil of my words."

"That's what they all say. They tell you that they can't get drunk but they end up getting drunk. Plus, nobody calls themselves the Devil."

"I don't lie, Ms. Uraraka. I've never told a lie in my years of time and Hell."

She stared at me and cleared her throat then spoke up, "Uh-huh, and you're not lying to me right now." I opened up my flask and started drinking, then spoke up, "Well, you can say that I have a high tolerance for alcohol." She tries to take my flask away from me but I raise my flask so she can't reach it. "Ah ah, you need to pay attention to your interview, Ms. Uraraka," I said, quickly closing my flask and putting it back in my suit. "Oh yeah, what was the whole point of you wanting to know what I'm wearing?"

I smirked at her and answered, "That's because I needed to see if you're wearing appropriate clothes considering that the women before you were wearing skimpy clothes. Apparently, they thought showing off their assets would get them the job." She sat there frozen but nodded her head understanding the problem. "Oh, is that why they ran out the elevator crying?" she asked, setting my flask on my desk. "Yes, but they lied when I asked them one simple question and I also kicked them out."

She nodded her head after getting the full picture when I explained to her what happened with those women. She took a deep breath and spoke up, "So, does that mean I get the job?" I chuckled at her and answered, "Not yet, Ms. Uraraka. I have a few questions for you to answer... Where did you see the company's advertisement? Can you handle the workload as my assistant? And why are you so eager to get this job?" She took a deep breath and looked straight into my eyes, this is going to be some answer.

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