Chapter 5

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•• Izuku's POV ••

The twins finished wiping their faces with makeup remover wipes and threw them in a trash can while Mieko followed her brothers behind. "Your kids are too smart for those humans," Eri said, putting the pack of makeup remover wipes away in her bag. "I know, they make my fatherhood experience very interesting. It's never boring with them and you know it." Eri nodded her head and replied, "Yeah, I know that. I like them better than those filthy humans." The little monsters came back holding hands and climbed into the car as Eri and I did the same.

I looked at the rear mirror to check if the children were seated on their booster seats and seat belt so I decided to treat them with something and asked, "Do you monsters want a treat since you did well today?" Mieko quickly nodded her head and replied, "Ice cweam! I want ice cweam, Daddy! Pretty Please!" I wasn't surprised to hear my baby daughter wanting something sweet, she always had a sweet tooth. I look at the boys and see them nodding their heads in agreement so I start the car and drive out of the school's ground.

• 10 Minutes Later •

We arrived at an ice cream parlor and the little monsters ran out of the car as soon as I parked the car just to get inside the ice cream parlor. I sighed and spoke up, "These kids are too excited for ice cream. You saw them run out of the car as soon as I parked the car." Eri replied, "Yeah, let's go inside. I'm in the mood for some ice cream." We get out of the car and close the doors as I put the lock on then we head inside the ice cream parlor. I see the interior design of the parlor from the wooden floor to the ice cream tables and chairs, and the pastel-colored walls.

I look up at the ceiling and see that there are colorful sprinkles drawn on the ceiling. I see my little urchins standing in line holding hands so I go behind them patting their heads. I notice that there are a couple of people left for it to be our turn so I pick up Mieko and place her on my shoulders then pick up the twins. "Hold on tight, Princess. The same goes for you, Double Trouble," I said, walking forward to the counter. The little monsters ordered their ice cream and so did Eri but I wanted an ice cream that suits my taste.

"What ice cream flavor do you want, sir?"

"Do you have any ice cream that has an adult element in it?"

"Yes, we do. We have a section called 'Boozy Ice Cream' and there are a lot of ice cream flavors to choose from."

"Dearie me, I don't want to hold up the line but I'm having trouble choosing an ice cream flavor. Would you be a dear and choose a flavor for me?"

"O-okay, I'll be r-right b-back, sir."

"Thank you, Miss. You are so kind."

The blushing worker left to get my ice cream while Eri stared at me suspiciously as if I did something wrong. "What? What did I do, Eri?" I questioned, as I set the children on the floor. "Do you really not know or are you pretending not to know, Izuku?" I shrugged my shoulders and the worker came back with a double scoop of ice cream on a cup then she spoke up, "This is our 'Chocolate Whiskey', sir. Enjoy your ice cream." I paid for our ice cream and left the ice cream parlor then went to a park that's across the street.

We found a picnic table to sit down on and the kids started eating their ice cream when I noticed their ice cream flavor was basic. Toshiro's ice cream is chocolate, Hiroshi's ice cream is vanilla, and Mieko's ice cream is strawberry. Then I look at Eri's ice cream but I don't know what the flavor is. "Eri, what flavor is your ice cream?" I asked, grabbing the spoon from the cup. "Oh, it's a caramel apple. It tastes pretty good. You should try it next time." I hummed in response and ate a spoonful of ice cream, and I was surprised by the flavor.

I exclaimed, "Mmm, of course, it tastes amazing! I can't believe chocolate works well with whiskey. Who would've thought of it?" Eri took a spoonful of my ice cream and quickly ate it which she was also surprised by the flavor. "You're right, chocolate works well with whiskey. Try mine," Eri said, shoving a spoonful of her ice cream into my mouth. I can taste the caramel and apple in the ice cream which tasted good but I will never admit it to her. "I prefer my ice cream better than yours," I said, taking another spoonful of my ice cream.

"Daddy, I wanna twy your ice cweam!"

"I'm sorry, Princess. You can't try my ice cream."


"It has 'adult juice'. Only adults can have it, for example, your Auntie Eri."

"Isn't Auntie Eri like 17 on Earth while Buddies and me are like a few thousand years old in Hell?"

"Yes, you are older than the humans' children. But we need to blend amongst the humans. You can drink 'adult juice' when you're older on Earth."

Mieko nodded her head understanding our situation and it wasn't a lie when I said the twins are 4 years old and Mieko is 2 years old but that's when we're on Earth. In Hell, time moves faster than Earth's time so chronologically we're older than any human, in other words, we're immortal but physically we look like any other human in their age range. For example, I physically look like a 24-year-old, Eri physically looks like a 17-year-old, and the little monsters physically look like children. Even if we were to expose our actual age and what we are, nobody would believe us.

We quickly finished our ice cream and threw the cups into the recycle bin then went on a walk around the park. I noticed my baby daughter looking downhearted so I picked her up and threw her in the air to make her smile. She tries not to laugh but fails miserably and ends up giggling while going up in the air. "Higher! Daddy, higher!" Mieko exclaimed when I caught her. "Okay, are you ready?" She nodded her head and with half of my strength, I threw her higher in the air than before. But suddenly, I feel a strong gust of wind and catch Mieko when I hear some small crackles.

I turn around and see Katsuki standing there behind me from a short distance so I place my baby daughter on the ground. "Princess, go play with your brothers while I talk to this birdbrain... Double Trouble, go play with your little sister right now," I ordered, gently pushing her towards her brothers. "Daddy, Auntie Eri has a knife on the birdbwain's neck." The twins took her away to play when I saw Eri had one of her daggers against Katsuki's neck then I spoke up, "What do I owe the pleasure of meeting you here on Earth of all places, Katsuki?"

He was going to say something but Eri interrupted him, "One wrong move and you're dead, Fried Chicken." Katsuki gritted his teeth in anger while I laughed at the clever insulting nickname that Eri came up with then he spoke up, "I'm just here to make sure you don't do something stupid. Humans can't know what we are, they won't be able to handle it." I rolled my eyes and replied, "Oh please, I'm not trying to hide it. If you were to tell these humans that you're an angel, they won't believe in the slightest bit. So, relax your feathered ass."

Eri laughed and let him go, then he shot a glare at me and Eri when I said, "Put away your wings if you don't want the humans to see your wings. Enjoy the day, Katsuki." He put away his wings and then I said, "Oh, you should get ice cream, the one that has alcohol in it. It's amazing what humans can create. I'll give you some money for it." I pulled out some money from my pocket and handed it to him which he reluctantly took from me and left when Eri asked, "Shouldn't we tell him to change the dress?" I shake my head and we chuckle as we watch him go to the ice cream parlor.

• 5 Minutes Later •

Katsuki comes back angry with a cup of ice cream when I ask, "What's up with you now?" He replied, "Damn humans keep saying that I'm wearing a dress." I try not to laugh but Eri bursts out laughing and I ask, "Isn't it a dress?" He angrily yelled, "It's not a dress! It's a robe, dammit!" I ignore him and turn my head to watch my little urchins, then Katsuki also turns his head when we see my children with a drunk old man. "Aren't you going to help your kids?" he asked, eating his ice cream. We see the drunk old man say something to them and give them some cash then they come running toward me crying. I yell at the drunk old man, "Touch my kids and I'll kill you!"

"Damn, you have crazy kids."

"Yes, I know."

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