Chapter 2

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•• Ochako's POV ••

I'm so tired of working on these multiple part-time jobs to keep my family afloat. It's hard to keep track of them because it feels like a loop going over and over again. It's only been two months since I graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree in Business and I desperately need a nice paying job. I was extremely lucky to attend college because an anonymous person paid for my tuition since Mom and Dad couldn't pay for it. "Ms. Uraraka, stop daydreaming and get back to work," the manager yelled, catching my attention. I responded, "O-oh, o-okay."

I went back to work and started having a massive headache then my eyelids started feeling heavy. I started stretching my sore limbs and decided to go to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I take the first step and start feeling a little wobbly then my vision becomes a little blurry. "Ochako, are you okay? Are you sick?" one of the co-workers asked, looking a little worried. "No, I'm fine. I'm just going to splash some water on my face." I take a couple of more wobbly steps but suddenly my vision goes pitch black.

• 4 Hours Later •

I open my eyes and see IV tubes attached to my arm then realize that I'm in the hospital. I try to talk but my throat is bone dry then Mom and Dad come into the room with plastic bags. Mom spoke up, "Oh, Ochako, thank god! You woke up, let me get a doctor!" Mom went out of the room while Dad stayed with me so I tried to speak up, "W-water, p-please." Dad rushed over to me and pulled out a water bottle from the plastic bag then placed the neck of the water bottle on my lips. I start drinking when Mom comes into the room with a doctor.

The doctor spoke up, "Ah, Ms. Uraraka, you're awake. That's good, do you have any questions?" I stopped drinking and cleared my throat then asked, "What happened to me? Why am I in the hospital?" The doctor goes through the file and answers, "Well, Ms. Uraraka, you're here because you fainted due to exhaustion and stress." I didn't say anything and looked down embarrassed on the brink of tears. "Aww, Ochako, don't worry about the money for once and worry about your health," Dad said, placing the empty water bottle in the plastic bag.

"Your dad is right, Ochako. You've been working to the bones nonstop for two months. It's time for you to take a break."

"But, what about the mon-"

"Nope, don't worry about the money. You need to focus on getting healthy... Doctor, can we take our daughter home?"

"Yes, she can go home. But, I've advised her to rest for at least two weeks and avoid things that stress her out."

"Okay, thank you so much, Doctor."

• 2 Weeks Later •

I woke up from the savory yet sweet smell of tamagoyaki so I got out of the bed and went straight to the kitchen. "Good morning, Ochako! How are you doing?" Mom asked, looking up at me while setting up the small table we have. "I'm feeling much better after two boring weeks of doing nothing." Dad gave me a look and spoke up, "Don't be like that, Ochako. It was for your own good because of your health. Come sit down and eat." I let out a long sigh and sat down at the small table while Dad placed a plate of tamagoyaki with a bowl of rice.

I notice a newspaper on the table so I start reading the newspaper while eating the savory yet sweet tamagoyaki. My eyes follow the lines of words as I read until I get to the ad section of the newspaper. I almost cough out my tamagoyaki when I see an amazing job offer from a company that's hiring. It pays so well that I don't need to worry about money ever again. I quickly get from my seat and run to the living room to use the cordless house phone then start dialing the number that the ad provides. The phone rings a couple of times until someone answers the call.

"Hello, good morning. Blaze Company, you're speaking with Mina Ashido at the front desk. How may I help you?"

"Mina? It's me, Ochako Uraraka, from U.A High!"

"Oh my god, how are you doing?"

"I graduated college with a Bachelor's Degree in business two months ago. I worked nonstop after graduating then passed out due to exhaustion and stress. I rested for two weeks and now I need a job."

"Say no more, Girl. I got your back, I booked an appointment for you. Come here tomorrow for your interview. Don't worry about the address since it's printed on the ad. See you tomorrow!"

• The Next Day •

I wake up early before Mom and Dad do since I haven't told them about that amazing job offer that I saw yesterday. I got out of bed and went through the closet until I found the perfect outfit to wear for the interview. It's a white and black polka dot twofer dress with a pair of three-inch high heels so I lay it out on my bed. I went to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth then quickly put on the outfit and grabbed my black purse. I ran out of the cramped apartment before Mom or Dad got out of their room and I locked the door then called a taxi over.

During the car ride, I go through my resume to see if any mistakes were made when I was putting together my resume. The taxi driver spoke out, "Miss, we're here. And good luck on your interview." I gave the driver the last bit of money I had and got out of the car then looked at the tall building. I quickly went inside and saw Mina typing on her computer then I spoke up, "Good morning, Mina! I'm here for the interview." She looks up from her computer and sees me smiling but also looks surprised to see me.

Mina stuttered out, "O-Ochako? Wow, you're here early. Although, you look super cute." I nodded my head and replied, "Yeah, I thought it's the perfect outfit to wear for an interview." Mina smiled and nodded her head then grabbed the office phone as she dialed a phone number. "Ochako, let me call the boss to let him know you're here," Mina said, putting the phone on her ear. "Okay, I'll sit down and wait until your boss is ready to see me." I go over to a sofa and sit down then start looking around the lobby.

I take in the view of the lobby from where I'm sitting. The lobby is spacious to roam around and it's bigger than my cramped apartment. I see the amazing modern interior design of the lobby from the white marbled floor to the comfy black leather sofas and the gray and black accents on the white walls. Mina's desk is marbled in white and black and behind her, the wall is marbled gray and it has the world map in white. The owner must've put in a lot of effort to have the lobby designed so stylish and have it look professional when people walk inside.

"Hey, Ochako, the boss is ready to see you! He's on the top floor so take the elevator! Make sure to make a good impression and good luck on the interview!"

I got up from the sofa and thanked Mina in person then quickly inside the elevator that had crying women flooding out before the elevator's doors closed. I pushed the 60th-floor button and the doors closed then the elevator started going up. Suddenly, I started feeling nervous since I saw all the women crying and now my heart is beating fast and my hands are clamming up. "Stupid nerves getting in the way of my interview," I murmured, wiping down my sweaty hands. I start taking in some deep breaths to calm down until I hear the elevator ring and the doors open.

I walked out the elevator and through the hallway until I got to the double doors then I knocked on the door. I hear a deep voice speak up, "You may come in." I open the door and walk inside then sit down on the black leather chair. I look up and only see the backside of a tall black leather office chair. The same deep voice spoke up, "Welcome to Blaze Company, Miss. Shall we get started with the interview?" The chair spun around only to reveal a familiar face which made my heart pound. I was shocked and stuttered out, "M-Midoriya?"

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