Me And Your Bestfriend

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The speakers boomed. The sound vibrations ran throughout my body as I let the high consume me. "I'm in love when we are smoking that, la-la-la-la-la" I watched her exhale the smoke in the passenger seat and lean back. Her jet black curls sparkled from the street light while the bright bluish moon reflected on her glasses. We were in my driveway. Not one of us spoke a word even though there was so much we wanted to say.

There were so many feelings in the air it was hard to point out just one. Love, lust, confusion, dread. They were all so strong you could almost smell it.

I wanted to say something so bad but it seemed as if my lips were stuck together. "Why am I here?"  She asked. I was afraid of that question. I know the answer. I just don't want to answer it.

"Why did you come?"  Her eyes narrowed at me as she blinked really fast. It was her way of saying "nigga is you serious" with her body.

But she stopped. "Good question, but I have a better one. Why did you call me?" Touché.

"I think you know why I called you." "Enough games Dj. What's going on? What am I doing here when you got a whole ass girl." 

"We haven't been happy for a long time." "That doesn't change the fact that she's a human being with feelings."  "Do you really care that much if you showed up?"

Her usually opinionated mouth ran quiet. "Because no matter how much I hate myself for doing this to her. My best fucking friend. I can't deny the attraction I've always had for you."

And she was right. Before me and Drea met it was me and Mercury. Drea came along into our friendgroup and the three of us hit it off. Truth be told I always wanted Mercury but I didn't want to be one of those people to ruin a fire ass friendship by letting feelings get in the way.

I grabbed the blunt from her hand and relit it. I don't know what to say right now. What feels so right is so wrong and what's so wrong feels like the move right now.

Childish gambino intro on loop and this smoke had a nigga in all types of feels right now.

"So you just aren't going to say anything." I looked at her. My thumb caressed her cheek as I brung her closer to my face. "I'm not going to say anything when you're smart enough to know my answer."  I disregard the blunt and put my lips on hers. It was different from kissing Drea. When it was her all I felt was lust. But with Mercury you could feel the need, the longing, the passion, the fire and so on.

I've wanted her since our days in the sandbox and I've finally got her. Her lips tasted of faint mint and strawberries which is wild cause I hate strawberries. They're definitely my favorite fruit now.

The kiss was slow. But that quickly changed. She grabbed my face and I heard the click of her seatbelt coming undone as she hopped on the driver side and into my lap. I felt up her stomach and onto her breast. Her skin was so soft the color resonated a deep dark brown. She was so beautiful.

I pulled her shirt up and tossed it over her head. She began to clam up. No matter how loud the mouth, my baby was shy. She always talked about how she disliked her body but I could never see a damn thing wrong with it. She was the baddest female to roam this fucking earth in my eyes.

She kissed me again. I leaned the seat all the way back and she yelped with the sudden movement. I flipped us over in the tight space and pulled her shorts down. Her red matching Victoria's Secret set spoke to me in ways I didn't think possible. And the language it was talking was going straight to my treasure.

I made eye contact with her. Her eyes held uncertainty, fear, and love. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She was silent. "We'll deal with the consequences later." She caressed my face and ran her hands through my hair. 

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