>Chapter 34<

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Heyy! I'm finally here! I know it's been almost a month since I last updated but I had my birthday, vacations and the start of school so yeah, I'm sorry but I'm back in program :) I hope you like this chapter and thank you so much for the love and support you give me! You are all angels <3

Anyways, have fun reading.... :)

Y/n's POV:

It's been a month since my friends rescued me from Hydra and everything is back to normal. I did have some extra difficulties but overall, it went very well. Loki and I had the chance to catch up and I told him about my awful experience at Hydra while he told me about his condition. Well, not exactly him...Thor was the one who informed me because Loki was so ashamed but we had a talk about it. 

I was currently in the training room practicing my powers. I learned how to control my hearing thing but, flying was something that gave me a lot of bruises. I was working on my telekinesis by levitating Loki's daggers and throwing them at the various targets that were around. While I was doing that, I felt a presence in the room. I smirked and attended a back flip while using flying to go a little further, making me land a few meters away from the person that was behind me. Before he could turn around, I threw a knife at his face but he caught it. It was Loki. He had the best reflexes I've ever seen. Well except Bucky and Steve.

"Love, you could have killed me." Loki said, lowering the knife.

"I know, but I didn't" I smiled innocently.

"You know that-Wait are these my daggers?" He asked.

"Whaaat? Pf...no. These are mine!" I smiled innocently once more.

"Are you sure?" He smirked and started coming towards me making me push my back against the wall.

"Y-Yes..." I gulped. I looked at every inch of his face. He was mesmerizing.

"Did I ever tell you that you are an awful liar?" His face was inches away from mine and we were breathing the same air.

"Hmm I don't think so, would you like to remind me, God of lies and mischief?"

"I could but...I won't" He smirked once again and backed away.

"LOKI COME BACK HERE!" I whined. "Just give me a kiss." I pleaded with puppy eyes.

"If you want it so bad, then earn it."

"Are you challenging me?"

"Yes my dear. Win and I shall be yours in any way you like. "He gave me that evil smirk that drives me insane.

"And what happens if I lose?"

"Lose and you'll find out."


We stood in the center of the mat and I made the first move by blasting him. He dodged it and multiplied himself to 30 Lokis. Now that felt like paradise but I couldn't let him win. I closed my eyes and sent a wave of purple power so that I could feel who the real one is. I opened my eyes and attacked him. His clones disappeared and we started hand to hand combat. He punched me but I caught his fist. I slide my foot under his but he easily jumped over it. Loki disappeared in a cloud of green mist and then I saw him appearing in a corner, laying down. I got worried and ran to his side.

"Loki? Love, is everything ok?" I attended to shake him but nothing. I really started getting worried when he faded away and someone pinned me down, sitting on my back. It was an illusion, he tricked me.

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