>Chapter 41<

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Hey guys! How are you? In case you haven't seen my message on the profile, as always I sadly delayed my chapter update...it's summer and I had the opportunity to finally focused more on myself before school starts again and I finally found my favourite music genre, book genre, watched some movies...I tried to make me feel better and I'm here to give you another chapter. Thank you for your patience and I hope you can understand me! <3

Y/n's POV:

"Alright! I give up!" Loki shouted as I smirked and let him go.

"Did THE God of mischief give up on a fight?!" Volstagg laughed.

"Didn't have you to be one of the quitters Loki." Hugo exclaimed.

"My brother may be a lot of things, liar, sly, tricky, mean, bossy-" Thor started talking but I cut him off.

"Extremely charming, cunning, handsome-" I continued Thor's list but Loki cut me as he accepted my hand and stood up, brushing his suit.

"And don't forget dangerously attractive, darling." He smirked as he came behind me and grabbed my waist.

"And whatever else the two of you want to say that we do NOT need to know of. He's anything but a quitter." Thor finally got to finish his sentence.

"I wouldn't say you're right Thor. He just did quit the fight." Lady Sif smiled.

"I just didn't want my love to be embarrassed when she would lose in front of you all." He smirked as he leaned down to give me a kiss but I used my hand to push his face away, leaving him with a shocked face and his lips shaped like a duck.

"Oh please. Your lies are worse than Peter's. You just don't know how to fight. Looks like next time I'll have to let you win so that you are the one that won't get embarrassed." I walked away and stood next to Lady Sif who fist pumped me.

"Come on Loki! Even I could defeat her in less than 5 minutes." Fandral joked.

"Are you sure Fandral?" Lady Sif asked smirking.

"Of course I'm sure."

She looked at me and I smirked back.

"Now, what are you two smirking about?" He crossed his arms over his chest and I sighed.

I teleported behind him and kicked the back of his knee forcing him to fall to the ground with a lout 'thud'. I got over him rolling him around so that he's lying on his back as I pinned him from his neck.

"What was that?" I smirked as Hugo and Volstagg were practically dying from laughter.

"That's not fair! It doesn't count! You caught me off guard!" He tried to speak as I put more pressure.

"That's the point Fandral. If this was an actual fight you would already be dead by now." Thor joined them laughing.

Loki though wasn't laughing. His eyes were glued to my actions. Jealousy. He's jealous I came this close with another man.

Get off of him!

His voice echoed in my head. I came closer to Fandral.

"Next time don't make rushed assumptions." 

I got off of him and offered him my hand. He defeatedly accepted it and got up.

"Be careful Loki. That's a hell of a dangerous woman you've chosen." He brushed the dirt off his attire and Loki stood next to me once more as he grabbed my hand.

"You're right, I have chosen the perfect woman to be mine." He put up his best smile as he tightened his grip.

"I'm hungry. Does anyone want to eat?" Volstagg said.

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