23. Comme à la maison

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The title means : « Like at home »
Yeah, I put French title.
Why ?
Because I'm French you reader !
Also, there is no way we, non-English speakers, put English title everywhere but can do the same with our language!


- Do you know each other? asked Arthur, surprised.

- We don't have that pleasure, replied the elderly woman behind the counter.

- It won't be long now, I think, replied the teenager.
Ana Barnes, she introduced herself.

- Barnes?

- Yes. But no relation to a sergeant of the same name, I was already asked at the base.

- You work at the military base?

- Yes, I'm an engineer.

- You do? You? You're really... she began, as if to say that she saw her as a surface technician.

- Yes, Nastia cut her off.
By the way, your bread is excellent, Arthur gave me some yesterday and this morning.

- Oh. Thank you. I'm just selling it. I just sell it, I do not make it.

The lady smiled, before introducing herself in turn:

- Bonnie Hudson.

- Nice to meet you.

- Mom, Arthur ask, we could invite Ana to dinner, what do you think?

- Oh, I wouldn't want to impose or disturb, you know, answered Ana politely, who was only dreaming of that.

Who would say no to a hot meal?

- Don't worry, it would be my pleasure, Bonnie finally smiled.

Ana sighed inwardly.

Bonnie handed her service to a young redheaded woman, then left, followed by Connie, Arthur and Nastia.
They got into the car.

The ride was in a tense silence, so Nastia let her thoughts wander, and as often happens in such cases, her girlfriend appeared to her.
Asimov -that bastard- had launched "Love me Tender".

Nastia smiled sadly, before closing her eyes gently. A tear bloomed on her cheek.
Behind her eyelids, she saw Bathilde, radiant, smiling, sitting opposite her in a café.
A ray of sunlight pierced the grey clouds just to light her up, as if the universe recognized there its most beautiful angel.
Bathilde was laughing at a joke of Nastia's and she heard her laughter clearly.
Yet she knew that when she opened her eyes again, Bathilde would be gone. Poof, like that. Gone, her angel, away from her.

"Forever" people said.
But she still believed in it. Just a little more.
She couldn't give up her stupid dream and clung to it like a lifeline in an ocean of despair.

- Ana? Is everything all right? Arthur asked, worried, unaware that he had just broken something.

He didn't put a hand on her shoulder, because he still remembered the last time he had done so.

Nastya had to open her eyes to the world, away from her memories.

- Yes, she answered. It's just that... I was remembering one of the people who means the most to me.

- Oh. And, um, this may be intrusive, but... Did it end badly?

Nastya holds back a tear. Enough with the crying!

- Yes, it is indiscreet. This person died recently.

Recently... At least for her. Everything was relative.

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