5. Going to war.

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When she woke up, the teenager blinked without really understanding where she was.

- Mama? she called softly in Russian, her mind still foggy.

- I'm not your mama, Natasha answered softly beside her.

This reply made her the effect of a cold shower.
Immediately, she straightened up and looked at her bracelet on her left forearm in which was hidden a blue glow.
Luckily, it was still there. Then she put her hand to her earpiece, on her left ear.

- Asimov, I want a situation report, please, she asked authoritatively, still in Russian, by reflex.
And drop the politeness, she added abruptly

The familiar, monotonous voice of her AI then told her that nothing out of the ordinary had happened during the time she had been unconscious, except that they had transported her and taken her with them in a Quinjet, and that a portal had opened, bringing Doctor Banner. She added that Mr. Rodhey had just arrived in armor, and that he didn't understand why they had taken the girl if they found her suspicious, which they did.

- Good question. That's a very good question. Anything else?

The voice then explained that Kobik was still there and that no one had any idea she was there, and diagnosed her with internal failures from the Erasure she had suffered anyway.

- Dembline! This is not a good idea! But okay, thanks.

- Who are you talking to? asked the Russian woman beside her.

- To my AI, answered the teenager by straightening up a little.

- You have an AI? questioned Furry.

- Yes, but just like my code name, the story is long and I can't tell you, sorry.

- What happened to you? asked the Captain.

- It's just that I had built up a lot of pressure up to that point and I let it all go, hence my fainting. Nothing very serious, don't worry!

- Listen young girl ...

- I am well, I swear to you! Dembline, if I feel that I am going to faint or that anything is wrong, I will warn you, ok?

- ... Good.

- Sorry, I got carried away, she said immediately. I'm sorry. It's the stress. I'm stressed.
Who wouldn't be after all?

- Don't take any unnecessary risks, okay?

- I promise! I'll be careful. I'm not the type to run headlong into a reinforced concrete wall! she smiled.

In reality she had already tested once.
Fortunately for her, she was wearing a helmet and had come out of it without too much trouble.
A good memory in the end.

The redheaded Russian smiled and Sam launched from the controls:

- Put on your seatbelts, we'll be there soon.

- Sir, yes sir! replied the teenager, imitating a military salute.

When they landed, the first thing Daug noticed was Bucky, who was hugging the Captain as if they hadn't seen each other in years.

Daug, seeing this, felt her heart clench, and she was not the only one to react. The fragment of her bracelet suddenly began to vibrate and jiggle in the bracelet and the teenager found it hard to calm it down.
She put her left forearm close to his mouth and whispered a lullaby in Russian, which made many people around her suspicious, who didn't understand what she was saying or why she was doing it.

As she didn't need to get equipped, she stayed on the outside steps of the palace, enjoying life for a while. She breathed in and out. The air she breathed was so different and yet not so different from the air she breathed before.
She was suddenly nostalgic for the past but also very happy to be alive, yet not sad that her people were no longer alive.

When the fighters came out, equipped and armed, she gave them a few moments to get a head start before getting up and following them. She rolled her shoulders and spread her wings.
She flew away.

She hovered over the plain, and then hovered over the fighters in her camp. Her earpiece was still tuned to the Avengers' channel, so she heard everything they said, and finally got in.

- Daug, air support, ready to fight!

- Hey kid, this is a private line!

- Yeah, and so is Daug Air Line! While we're chatting, they're regrouping at the border.
Look, one of them managed to break through!

She drew her pistol and aimed at the filthy creature, which collapsed after a single laser shot.

- I take back what I said, no one made it through. For the moment.
But it won't last, she added, stay focused, we have a war to win and a universe to save!

The enemies were coming in increasing numbers, and so, in order to face them head on, King T'Challa made the painful decision to open the border fence.
The creatures didn't think twice and charged through the open gap, starting a fierce battle.

They were coming from all sides and Daug contained them as best she could, saving the butts of as many people as she could, but she could never move fast enough, and she had learned that unfortunately you can't save everyone...

Thor arrived with Groot and Rocket and the battle intensified.

Suddenly, there was a call.
« He » was there.

The winged girl's vision blurred.
The one who had destroyed her life was there.

She probably would have done something stupid if Asimov hadn't reminded her that she was on a battlefield and that in the memory of all, she couldn't attempt a suicide operation. Especially not with her sister.

She went anyway to the place where Thanos would have been seen, being extremely cautious because Thanos was not to get Kobik back under any circumstances.
She knew it was very unwise, but her desire for revenge was stronger than anything. And she couldn't afford to do nothing.

As the Mad Titan had gathered all the stones and the Avengers were fighting to kill him, he suddenly straightened up, and saw the look of hatred in the winged girl's eyes, then the stones told him that she had something interesting...

- Give it to me, he said simply

- Never in your life, you murderer! she replied immediately, understanding what he was referring to and immediately understanding his mistake.

But it was too late to back out.

- I will get it back no matter what, this fragment of power.

- Too many people have died for her, you can't...

But he snapped his fingers.

And immediately, the world went up in smoke.


Behind her, a voice she would recognize between a thousand called weakly:

- Steve...

She turned around and saw with horror Bucky going up in smoke.

- NOOO! she screamed, before she too went up in smoke.


Repeat after me : I am not mad about the author. I won't try to kill them. They are nice. They are good. They created the chapter 16 which is their favorite so we won't kill them before reading the chapter 16.

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