12. There he is, the drama!

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There were a good joke with the French title but you won't get it so I have to delete it :C


- To get back to our main problem," the girl continued, "if you create or ask a robot to be used as a weapon, it will be against the laws.

- What laws?

- Asimov's four laws of robotics. Don't you know that?

- I thought there were only three ?

- Basically, yes, but later he added a zero law that people tend to forget. And one law plus three laws makes four laws, so that's a good count.

- What do these laws say?

- Thanks for asking Sam.
The laws are stated as follows:
Law Zero: "A robot may not harm humanity, nor, by its inaction, allow humanity to be harmed."
Law One: "A robot may not harm a human being, nor, remaining passive, allow a human being to be exposed to danger."
Second Law: "A robot must obey orders given to it by a human being, unless such orders conflict with the First Law."
Third Law: "A robot shall protect its existence so long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law."

- Okay.

- Auntienanny always tried to apply these four principles and instilled them in me throughout my education.
So asking a robot to be a weapon is contrary to these principles.
That is why I doubt your ability to create a simple robotic body.

- Will this body have long white hair like now? asked the little girl, now sitting on the knees of the braided brown man.

- That's an option, Koko.

- Oh, I think it's important. I like to keep it white so it looks like Mommy's, and long, because if it's short, Bucky buckaroo will spend less time styling it!

- That would be a tragedy for sure, said Nastia sarcastically, although deep down she understood perfectly well how her sister felt.

- Yes!

- Girls... Iron Stark despaired, which made most of the adults at the table smile.

- Yes?

- We were saying...

- Long white hair for Kobik.

The millionaire philanthropist understood why he was and had a sudden urge to bang his head against the meeting table, right here, right now.

These girls were hopeless.

Tony Stark finally promised that, no, he would have no control over the robotic body he was going to provide, but the girl remained suspicious.

- Why don't you trust me? the man asked.

- Because I knew another Tony Stark who was a lot like you.
The kind who doesn't like not being in control of everything, no matter what it takes.
The kind who tends to think that because he's rich he can get away with anything.
The kind who thinks that because he's been nice to him he's owed everything.

- I'd be with Dr. Banner if it makes you feel any better.

- Hulking would certainly have gone for it. Anyway, I guess I don't have a choice?

- Not really, no.

- Then why are you giving me the illusion that I do?

- Because we'd rather have you and your sister as allies than as enemies.

- Yeah, you guys are like SHIELD. You don't care about us, all you care about is Ko's powers.

Again, a long silence punctuated her sentence. Nastia sighed.

- Well then, let's go for the robot solution. But don't expect anything, her powers will be greatly diminished and she won't use them for you.
My sister is not a weapon.

- Understood.

- Another point that seems pretty important to me, Koko, we said no teleportation of food and even less on my head, my hair is not a table, where are we going to live now?

- How did you fall? said the little one with her mouth full.

- The smell, the extra weight and the chewing noise gave you away, Ko.

- You waffle, you!

- Don't insult the waffles. So, Stark, you're the one who has the answer to everything, you're speechless now! The others too, you can answer, it's not a competition.

The silence settled, more uncomfortable than ever, and Nastya took advantage of it to discuss with her sister in Russian.

- By the way, Koko, what are you eating?

- Pineapple-mint waffles, maple syrup and whipped cream, I took a plate before putting it on your head.

- I hope so!

- You want some?

- As long as you tell me where they come from.

- Well, from a kitchen!

- Koko...

- Yes?

- Which kitchen?

- I don't know. A kitchen. But you should try it, it's really good.

- Koko, for the fifty-seventh... No, fifty-eighth time, you mustn't use your powers like that.

- I know, I know. The last time Bucky bear scolded me.

- I remember, I was there.
That said, if you wanted us to have one, you should have asked. I'm sure they would have agreed too.

- What are you talking about? asked Bucky, joining in the conversation in Russian, as the silence of the others began to get on his nerves.

- About the pool that Koko had... borrowed, let's put it that way.
Don't worry, agent Tolkienson went out of his way to see if SHIELD would pay for it.
A swimming pool is expensive after all!

- Why would SHIELD do that?

- I think that the fact that Kobik is the space stone played a big role.
They prefer to know she's happy and on her own, even if it means confining her to the house so that they always know where she is, rather than her wandering around unattended.

- It sure helps. But girls...

- Yes?

- Did you really give me nicknames?


(1) Honestly, I just translated the laws from the French, so this might not be exactly the good words, but you understand the concept, right?

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