Part 44

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"🆆🅷🅰🆃 the hell is wrong with you!?" Katniss demanded, "I can't believe you're just happy about this!" Aries had snapped at her words. How can anyone be fine with everything? "Happy? I'm sick of this! I'm sick of this Hunger Game! I fucking hate this whole ridiculous world!!"

Aries lunged forward at Katniss, trying to get another kill. "I'm disgusted that everyone thinks they're better than us just because they can throw a weapon around. I'm fucking sick of it!!" That was not going to happen as Estella tugged his back shirt, causing him to fall back into his spot, beside her. "Think before you act, Aries. You're in a lot of trouble if you continue like this." Estella warned him in a calm tone.

"I don't give a fuck about that, I've had enough of this, I'm done. I'm not going to play anymore! I'm done!" Aries raged; he was so furious that he was about to cry. He screams partially on one, not aiming at Peeta, Estella, or Katniss as he throws his angry gesture at the cameras.

Estella gestures to Peeta and Katniss to let him be. Aries needed to get his anger out. Katniss and Peeta nod in understanding, and Estella simply smiles at him. He looked at her with wonder, she was a good friend, a great friend. "I'm going to kill them all," he said, his voice was so low, it didn't even sound like he was speaking.

Estella smiled, holding him close, "You're not killing anyone."

"I am," Aries said, his voice so determined that it could've made a person believe he was indeed serious. The Mockingjays are silent. No sound in the world except the howling of the Mutations below, which seems deadly again.

Aries hugs Estella's waist and buries his head between his neck. Estella playing with his hair. Peeta and Katniss have their silent conversations, so as not to disturb Aries. Estella slowly moved her fingers through Aries's hair, feeling his head.

She gently stroked his hair; he was so tense and his muscles were so tense. Estella slowly touched his neck; she could feel his pulse. "Are you ready?" Estella whispered so softly to his ears, that he felt his heart flutter at the mere whisper.

Aries nodded; he was ready. Estella slowly lifted his head, her fingers gently stroking his face. She was so gentle, that he felt like he was being held by a goddess. He closed his eyes and sighed, "Hey, guys... " Aries catches Katniss and Peeta's attention.

Estella stood up along with Aries, the girl picking out some of her knives while Aries spoke, "... We kinda expected something like this is going to happen. We had talked about it. We are fine being dead." Katniss and Peeta were shocked. Aries continued, "We're going to do this together. We're going to do this as a team." Katniss and Peeta were speechless for a moment, but they understood what he meant.

Estella gives Aries a knife, and they both share eye contact. Aries nodded; Estella was smiling. Katniss and Peeta were speechless, they didn't know what to do. Aries took Estella's hand; they were both holding knives in their hands.

"We are going to die together, together as a team. Let's do this, okay?" Aries gave her a quick kiss on her cheek, then he took the knife in his hand, and with the other, he held Estella's hand. They both raised their knife, eyes never leaving each other. Katniss's heart was thumping so loud, she could hear it.

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Unknown to them, their loved ones are watching in tears. Dennis refuses to watch the screen, Iphigenia already sobbing, and Poppy biting her nails while shaking her head in denial. Susan in her classroom bears no expression at all but her eyes are shaking, Mr. William cursing and throwing things in his house while his wife can't find herself to look away from the screen.

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