Part 45

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🅳🅴🅽🅽🅸🆂 and Iphigenia is stood together backstage with Aries. They watch over from the TV as Katniss and Peeta are being interviewed as the winners. Iphigenia is still crying with a tissue in her hand, not believing the day had happened. And Dennis is holding her in his arms. They are both in shock by how Estella and Aries have won.

At one point they thought, they would be their most loving tributes.

Aries stare at them as if they grew a second head. "You okay?" He asked, staring at them wildly. Never one to know how to comfort, especially a crying adult. "We are fine, Aries. Just... shocked." Iphigenia said, her voice cracking. Aries moved his focus back on the screen, just by a glance he knew Katniss and Peeta were reading off a script.

He wasn't dumb, he knew the capital was in mayhem because of Katniss's choice of proposing everyone a suicidal path with berries but it's not like Estella and he didn't plan it to. Listening to Katniss faking that she was so in love with leaving behind Peeta made him sick. The girl on fire doesn't even know the first thing about love.

Rolling his eyes, he glances around. "Where's Estella?" he asked, hoping he could go find her. "She's with Poppy. Doing last-minute make-up," Dennis answers his question, then signals for Iphigenia to leave them be for a while. Listening well to his words, Iphigenia gave an excuse to check the two girls.

Dennis stared carefully at Aries's expression, trying to read what was going on in his mind. It bothers him how his tributes weren't as excited about surviving, unlike Katniss and Peeta. The pair had been reserved since they got out of the arena. Not an eerie kind as they still spoke and teased Iphigenia around, but there was a lingering mystery around them.

"You're not going to tell me, are you?" Aries asked he was looking at Dennis. His statements are aimed at the capital's reaction to not just having 2 winners but 4 at it. Aries is absolutely inquisitive about how President Snow reacted the most. "You're going to find out anyway," Aries nods his head, agreeing with Dennis's words since it is true. You can't hide anything from him.

"You know the president is furious," Dennis said, his voice so low, that it was almost a whisper. They were now talking about someone powerful, they had to be careful with the watchful eyes around them. Aries nodded, "I know." The two of them stare at the TV screen, Katniss and Peeta being interviewed by the media.

"What's wrong, Aries?" Dennis asked he was looking at his tribute. Dennis had dropped his drunk mentor personality since the start of the game, he became more open and talkative with his tribute. Wanting to know them more and help the best he could.

Aries had a dark look on his face, his eyes staring at the TV screen. "I'm wondering if I made a mistake," He said, he glanced at Dennis, "... Being alive." Dennis stared at him, "You could have died." Aries shrugs his shoulders, "In this reality, I will rather be dead with Estella." Listening to his words, the mentor was worried, he didn't need to question a why as it was obvious how cruel this reality was.

Sending underage kids into a battle to the death for their own enjoyment.

"You're on in 5," A crew spoke to Dennis and Aries, evading the silence they were in.

Dennis pulls Aries to face him, like a father- figure, Dennis fixes his suit. Aries is in a stunning brown pastel design suit that fits his figure. The sleeves were folded until it reached his elbow, no tie, a white button shirt underneath. His hair is slicked back, so it's like he's ready for a date. His eye scar stood out even the slight burn peeking out from his shirt.

There's a clear difference between the Aries Dennis knew before the Hunger Games and now. Physically and emotionally. Aries seems more mature, his anger in control and he speaks with a more manner vocabulary. But his deep blue eyes become more monotonous, almost dead, no matter what he stares at.

"Aren't you going to prepare something cheesy, love-sick annoying 'I have fallen in love' script for me and Estella?" Aries asked, his voice taunting. "It's not a love-sick script, Aries. You said it before, it's a survival script," Dennis said, his voice firm and serious. However, he wanted to point out that even if he did, there was a clear tension between his tributes. Even without a 'love script' everyone can already see the love.

Aries lets out a laugh, his laughter is filled with bitterness. His eye roams around the hall and descends on the most beautiful figure to have a walk on earth: Estella. He felt his heart bursting into a million pieces of joy, his heart was filled with a strange kind of love for her. She walks gracefully down the hall to him.

Iphigenia and Poppy behind her with a grin at Aries's response to seeing her all doll-up.

Her in a fancy lace corset and a white skirt that reveals her curves perfectly. She was wearing her hair up with a few strands of it falling to her neck. Her make-up is perfect, and she was accessorized with a fancy pair of diamond earrings. Aries was so amazed by her, that he was lost in his thoughts, the most attractive girl in the world.

"Mmm, you look stunning," Aries said, he looked lovingly at her. "Thank you," Estella said. She blushed a little, still caught off guard by his words. "How does it feel to be a victor?" Aries asked he was staring at her, mocking Flickerman's tone for interviewing. "It feels good," Estella said, playing along with his humor well.

Poppy, Iphigenia, and Dennis share a knowing look. Yup, no need for a love script.

The way Aries is around Estella is so obvious he's in love with her. His heart was beating so fast, he was thinking of what he could say to her, what he should say to her. "Um, Aries?" Estella said. She was looking at him with a sweet look. "Yeah," Aries said, he was still staring at her. "We're up," She gestured to Katniss and Peeta walking down backstage.

Aries snaps his head any from Estella due to embarrassment. "R-Right," he took his arm out, suggesting that she link her hand around it. Estella titters and does, murmuring a thank you to Poppy and Iphigenia while Dennis pats Aries's back. The two of them walked down the hall and headed to the stage.

They pass Peeta and Katniss, merely presenting a smile to each other. A professional one.

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"Alright, folks! Let's meet your favorite pair! The most loved! The charismatic couple! How 'bout if we hear it from District 5, Aries White and Estella Perez!" Aries and Estella walk up the platform on cue, the crowd cheering for them, some even throwing flowers on the stage.

They both had their professional smile planted on their faces, not dispensing their genuine feelings to the masses. Aries guide them to the red loveseat. Estella sits down with her legs crossed; Aries sits down beside her.

Dennis, Iphigenia, and Poppy sat with the crowd to support them.

Aries placed one of his arms on the chair behind Estella and leaned closer to her. It's something normal that he would do even when they are alone but the crowd loves their couple-ly interaction. The camera zoomed in on the two of them as they sat together, Aries gazing into Estella's eyes.

The MC, Flickerman. Spoke up after taking his time to examine the couple seated in front of him. The man tells a few jokes to brighten the mood to get ready for the question as the screen entertains the audience with clips from the arena.

Estella leans to Aries, still keeping her smile. She whispers, "Do we have a script?" / "None," He responds, keeping his eyes on the crowd towards Dennis while Estella settles her head on his shoulder to get closer to listen to his words.

 She whispers, "Do we have a script?" / "None," He responds, keeping his eyes on the crowd towards Dennis while Estella settles her head on his shoulder to get closer to listen to his words

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