Part 46

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"🅸🆂  the capital furious about the whole situation? Doesn't seem like it. They seem to like this couple-ly play," Aries said, he wasn't very sure how the capital viewed them but from the look of it, they seemed to have everyone's attention. He was watching the audience, trying to find any sign of President Snow's presence in the room. "It's too quiet, he's plotting something. And we're in the middle," Aries said, his voice serious referring to President Snow, staring at Estella to show his concern yet to everyone it looks like heart eyes.

Estella was gazing at Aries; she was considering what he said. "He is planning something," he said, whispering so only she would hear his words. Confirming his own words as he knew that everything was too easy. "President Snow is planning something," Estella said, repeating to herself and keeping her guard up with her eyes looking at Aries only.

"We need to keep an eye on each other," He said, his eyes lingering on her lips by how close they were to each other. "We'll just play along for now."

"What this, what this? Are we perhaps a disturbing here?" Flickerman spoke with a teasing grin as the crowd was in awe at Estella and Aries's interaction. Naive to them talking about the future.

Aries let out his fakest deepest chuckle to gain the attention, "Don't worry. The whole world is being the third wheel in this relationship." Estella's eyes widened slightly, she couldn't help but laugh at his words. The audience found it funny. They all were now leaning in their seats, the crowd was always watching them, hoping for a continuation of the interaction.

Aries leaned in closer to Estella, his lips were so close to hers, that it was making her anxious. She can feel his breath on her lips. "Unfortunately, this girl..." Aries stares into Estella's eyes, bewitched by the shimmer in them, "I have yet to call mine." Dennis, Poppy, and Iphigenia are all staring at their tributes. They were surprised at how easily the two got the whole capital hook on them.

Flickerman leans closer to the couple, "Now, sweet Estella. Is perhaps Aries not your type of man?" Estella quickly catches his game, she teasing lets her finger seductively caress Aries's neck before moving her attention to Flickerman, "I'm not the type to easily fall. I like to play hard to get."

"And I love the chase," Aries said, he was looking at Estella with a wicked smirk. Flickerman let out a chuckle as the crowd cheered for the couple, "Well, Aries, you've got a lot of catching up to do." His heart was beating so fast, he was smiling at the crowd and the MC, letting his heart beat with joy at Estella's game with him.

"Now, the question everyone wants to be answered. What's your favorite thing about the other person? You guys are the total opposite, but the way you survive together always amuse me."

The pair stare at each other for a second. Through this contact, they planned their words carefully. The crowd was cheering for them. "We're nothing alike," Aries said, he was looking at Estella, "But we're perfect for each other."

"And I love the way he's always so sweet to me. I have him wrapped around my fingers," Estella spoke. Aries could recognize her playful switch being turned on. "I mean, I could ask him to kill someone for me and he would grant it. Or, ask him to bark and roll around in a circle like a dog. He would."

Aries laughed, shaking his head at Estella. He bit his lips but his smile grew so big that you could peek his teeth. "He'd do anything for me." The crowd laughed along with them, as Flickerman had a delighted look, staring at Aries for any objection to Estella's words but it's as clear as crystal, Aries isn't denying anything.

"I see our man is just love-sick for you, Estella. Give the poor man a chance," Flickerman gestures to the crowd to agree with him. The crowd cheers. Flickerman's smile widens, and he leans closer to the couple, "Well, Estella, I think you've got yourself a very special man." Estella chuckled, she couldn't help but smile at the way she could feel Aries's eyes locked to her.

"Now, Aries, I want you to tell Estella what you exactly like about her." Aries put his hand on Estella's knee, he leaned in closer to her, "I love how you are so beautiful and young." She scoffs, faking an annoyed look as she smacks Aries's chest. The crowd laughed out loud at Aries's playful dementor.

Flickerman the most was relishing it "Oh, come on Aries. You got to be earnest and sincere to win a woman's heart." Flickerman grins at them, gesturing Aries for another try. He stares at Estella, he's feeling so giddy at being honest with her.

"... I love how you have a great personality. Don't question my craziness, you accept it. So sweet to me. I love the way you're so understanding and patient with me..." Estella stares at Aries, her face is a mix of emotions. She was in shock at all the compliments Aries was giving her, he was being genuine. She was speechless, she didn't know what to say back to him. "I feel so at ease with you. I can be open. I can be cruel. I can be vicious. But you'll still stay by my side." Aries's voice was drowned by the crowd's cheers.

"Awe! Now, people, this is what I call genuine feeling right here! Estella, honestly, if you're not going to take Aries. I'll take him for myself!" Flickerman teased them, he was laughing at the crowd, and they were cheering for the couple.

Estella's heart was pounding so hard, she was still looking at Aries, she couldn't help but smile at him. The crowd cheered loudly, they were loving how they were interacting with each other. Flickerman was still laughing at the couple.

"Well, I think it's time for you two to get married!" Flickerman said the crowd cheered at the idea. "You two are so perfect for each other." Estella and Aries smile, finally looking away from each other and focusing on the crowd and MC. Everyone took note of how red their face and ears were.

"Oh, and one more thing," Flickerman said, "I want you two to give me a kiss before you leave."

"As your biggest fan here, that been cheering you on. I deserve it. Don't I!" Flickerman hyped the crowd, desiring the kiss so much. Aries and Estella both smiled. They both stood up and with Flickerman between them, they leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

That didn't go as planned when Flickerman suddenly dropped down, pretending to be tying his flawlessly neat shoelace. This caused, Estella and Aries, to lock lips instead. The crowd is laughing at how Flickerman was acting, they were still cheering for the couple. Flickerman was giggling, he couldn't help it at the look on the faces of the crowd, and Aries and Estella.

"Oh, just like that children, is how you become the wingman!" The crowd erupts in cheers, some jealously or some in happiness.

Estella and Aries quickly put some distance between them. Estella concealed her mouth with both her hands while time to time would peep at Aries. Aries on the other hand, face so red that he scratches the back of his neck, dodging her eyes.

 Aries on the other hand, face so red that he scratches the back of his neck, dodging her eyes

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