Part 47

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🅴🆂🆃🅴🅻🅻🅰 tends her head against the train's window, watching carefully as the landscape alternates every millisecond. She knows that the train will take her to her destination, her home. But somehow her heart didn't remain right with her.

Moved her attention beside her. Aries, boozing away with Dennis, ignoring that he was still underage. They're having a good time, chatting, laughing, and finishing off their beers. Estella inspects his figure discreetly. Between them, Aries would have the hardest misremembering everything that occurs in the arena as he holds all the scars of each experience there.

But Aries was a good sport. He didn't whine about the hard times, and he never once complained about the abuses that he had to endure. Estella's hand brushed away the journal in her hand, placing it gently on the table before scooting closer to the males.

Aries discerning her undoubtedly, he presented her with a welcoming smirk. Pulling her close out of habit, he gave her his beer to which he earned a roll of her eyes. "Oh, come on. After everything, some beer won't hurt." She took a quick sip but her face scrunched in disgust which earned his laughter.

The train is moving at a fast pace, and Estella can feel the pressure of the train on her head. The train is moving at a speed of eighty miles per hour. But for her, the speed of the train is the only thing that is moving. She places her head on Aries' shoulder as she listens in a hush to Dennis and Aries's conversation. Sometimes Aries would play with her hair which resulted in her humming in delight.

Dennis watches as the two snuggle among themselves, Aries dividing his attention between him and Estella. Sipping his cold beer, Aries raised his brows at Dennis's wandering eyes. "What is it?" He asked. "Nothing, nothing," Dennis said. "I was just thinking about the time."

"What time?" Estella asked. "You know, when you first came to me," Dennis said. "How you came? You guys give the worst first impression ever." / "Ah!" Aries chuckled, laughing out loud even remembering how Estella and he had squared up to Dennis without wavering. Estella's eyes are shut, and she is smiling. Dennis is still staring at Aries, and the two of them are still laughing. "I wonder if you'll be around after I send you off," Dennis spoke his sudden sadness of bequeathing behind his favorite students.

Aries and Estella share eye contact, they haven't talked to anyone about how they feel this isn't the end. They believe something is up and they would have to return soon. Breaking the contact, they look away. The male took notice of their mentor wondering and concerned eyes. Aries exerted the last of his beer before thumping it on the table. "... We'll be around."

Estella nods her head in approval as she raises her hand to make a point. Aries stood up, extending his hand. "Come on, love." She took her hand off the table, and she raised her hand to his. Just as Aries helps her up from the luxurious velvety seat, the vibration of the train's brake signals their return home.

The crowd cheers were audible through the rear door of the train.

Aries and Estella walked toward the door, Dennis right behind them. At the door, Iphigenia waited for them with a melodious melancholy smile for it would be the last for them to meet. Estella let go of Aries's hand, and she went up to embrace the older woman, making her break into tears.

"I'll miss you, Estella," Iphigenia said. Estella let out a smile through her pained heart. "I'll miss you too, Iphigenia." Iphigenia immediately fixes herself and make-up, pushing Aries and Estella together in front of the door. Adjusting their clothes in a hustle, "Now isn't time for tears. There will be cameras and press, you need to look the best!"

"And back again with her annoying side," Aries expressed while teasingly rotating his eyes. Iphigenia let out an exasperated gasp and smacked his shoulder. Dennis smirked at the situation while Estella chortled. "Well, I'm not going to miss that side of yours at all Aries!" Iphigenia said.

Aries raised his hands. "Alright, alright, we're good." Estella and Iphigenia were still laughing about the encounter. Aries brought out his open hand, waiting for Estella. They both smile earnestly at each other.

Dress in a matching outfit, Estella in a beautiful red sweater dress and black jacket. Aries in a red sweater too along with a black jacket and pants. The boots match each other. Iphigenia had a smile on her face. She was so proud of her students, and she was so happy to see them happy.

"Come on, let's go"

Dennis walks up front, opening the cart door for everyone. This station is packed with the cheering citizens of District 5 roaring, as camera crews capture it all. Estella and Aries step onto the back platform of the train like candidates doing a whistle-stop, waving. All the cameras and press were there to capture the moment.

So many of those Aries knew was to cheer him on. Those that he despised and those who cheered for his name to be chosen in the game too. "I'm starting to think that staying in the arena is so much better," Aries said, hiding how annoyed with the fakeness going around him. Estella caught on to it and gave him a reassuring smile.

"At least your family seems genuinely happy," Aries points to the Williams and Susan who are holding themselves back from jumping to Estella. "They're waiting for you," Iphigenia said. They both turn to their mentor, giving one last embrace to them as they shoo them off like their baby birds leaving the nest. Estella pulled Aries to her before they spilled ways. "We promise to stay with each other. Remember?"

Aries gave her a loving hug. "We'll always be together."

"Together." Dennis had watched them from the cart as they walked away. He managed to catch his glimpse of them embracing. Iphigenia gives him a nudge, "They won't leave us that easily. We still have to protect them."

"I know," Dennis said. "... I know."


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