Chapter 2

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"Happy birthday A-Zhan", Yibo smiled as he handed over the gift he got. Xiao Zhan was excited to share what had happened. He told Yibo about how Yang Zi asked him to come over to the restaurant to talk about work. It turned out that she had reserved the whole place just to confess her feelings to him.

"I feel so lucky Yibo, I really do. What have I done to deserve so much from her?", he turned to look at Yang Zi, who was talking to one of the staff members, trying to get an extra chair sent over to their table.

"I knew she liked me but I didn't know she liked me this much. Yibo...I didn't approach her because I felt she was way out of my league. She's so pretty and me I'm so. I'm glad it turned out this way and I'm going to have to count on you to help preserve my relationship. You know I'm a little dense when it comes to women and I haven't dated in a long time so....", as Xiao Zhan chatted on and on, Yibo could not help the feeling in his heart.

He had smiled until his smile had turned stiff. Xiao Zhan seemed pretty interested in this relationship. No, Xiao Zhan wasn't dense, he just dated casually in the past and Yibo was sure if he ever fell in love, he was going to fare just fine.

Yibo kept imagining things in his head. He imagined Xiao Zhan and Yang Zi dating and getting married while he was the best man. Was he going to be the best man to the only person he had ever loved? How was he supposed to live that way?

He blamed himself for not being bold enough. From the onset, he could tell Yang Zi liked Xiao Zhan but seeing that no one made a move after 7 whole months, he figured the feelings were one sided...or so he thought.

Yang Zi turned around and her eyes met with Yibo's. She smiled at him and Yibo tried to return he smile but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't force one out. Not getting a smile back, Yang Zi wondered if her message was received wrongly.

Yibo took out his phone to check the time, he saw that Yang Zi had sent a message to him earlier. I know it's a little late but I want to ask you for a favour. I'm sorry I invited you over earlier but I was hoping I could turn this birthday into a dinner date between Zhan and I only. Can you borrow me your bestie for just one day?

Yibo could now understand the smile she gave him. He wished he had checked his phone sooner, now he felt embarrassed. Xiao Zhan had ordered food for them but Yibo found an excuse to leave. He claimed he was just around the neighborhood and stopped by to drop off the gift but he had to head back home. Good thing it was about to rain so it was a perfect excuse.

Xiao Zhan offered to drop him off, he also offered to give his car to Yibo to get home but Yibo turned both of his offers down. By the time Yang Zi returned, she was met with Yibo's receding figure.

Yibo could have taken a bus but he was in no mood for that. What if he over spent? If he starved a little the next month, he'd be able to get by. He took a cab and gave the driver his address. His place was more than an hour away and with the rain, there was sure to be a traffic jam. The fare would indeed be high but what caused Yibo pain was the fact that Xiao Zhan was on a date with a woman and he had shamelessly shown his face. He wondered what Yang Zi thought of him.

By the time he got home, he was in no mood to eat. He took a shower and went directly to bed. He looked at his phone when he heard a beep.

'Are you home yet?'

It was a message from Xiao Zhan. Even though he was on a date, he still remembered to ask about him. Xiao Zhan was indeed thoughtful.

Meanwhile, Xiao Zhan and Yang Zi's date took longer than he expected. It was well past 10pm when they decided to call it a night. Xiao Zhan had walked Yang Zi to her car and turned to get into his. He wanted to text Yibo only then did he remember that he had forgotten to pick up his phone from the basket he dropped it in when he kept fiddling and Yang Zi made him put away the distraction.

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