Chapter 7

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"Congratulations Wang Yibo".

From every corner of the school, people kept on congratulating him. Yibo had applied for a certain position in the ministry of education, this position was something he didn't actually want but it was not a bad idea. Yibo was one of the best teachers there was in his province and his hard work was finally getting the recognition he deserved.

This position was only open for new recruits once in 2 years and Yibo's school had not recommended him simply because there was someone whom the principal favored over Yibo.

Of course, Yibo could go ahead and apply on his own but special recognition was given to people who were recommended by the head of the school where they worked. Xiao Zhan knew no one deserved this position more than Yibo so he personally sat with Yibo while he filled out his application and uploaded the required documents. Who knew fate would smile at him. It was all thanks to Xiao Zhan's encouragement.

This job was in a new town, back then, Xiao Zhan had promised that if he got the job, he would move to the new town with Yibo. Xiao Zhan, though worked for a big company, had his own little startup company and their only branch was located in the town where Yibo's new job was. So moving wasn't going to be much of a challenge.

Yibo wanted to share his joy with none other than Xiao Zhan. It had been 2 weeks since they last spoke but this news, he couldn't keep it to himself. He decided to pay Xiao Zhan a visit in his office after work, he didn't think it was appropriate to tell him over the phone. Also, he wanted to take this opportunity to make up with his friend. True, he still preferred to be more than friends but the way they were now was almost unbearable.

Yibo ignored his tight financial situation and got Xiao Zhan a gift. He had begun spending from his savings but thanks to this new job, there was going to be changes in his finances soon. There was a particular pair of cufflinks Xiao Zhan showed his interest in but the price was a little above his budget at the time. Yibo got him exactly that. It was already Friday and he closed early so he took a cab directly to Xiao Zhan's office.

He just arrived at the parking lot and got out of his cab when he saw Yang Zi and Xiao Zhan walking hand in hand. Yibo thought he was ready to face them, he felt he was strong enough but the sight in front of him broke his heart to pieces. He had been in pain for the past 2 weeks, hardly eating and just barely functioning because he missed this person but it seemed Xiao Zhan had been occupied with other matters.

He stood there staring at them as they walked out of the office, into Xiao Zhan's car. Zhan opened the door to the passengers seat for her and didn't forget to kiss her...on her lips. Yes, he saw that. As for how he felt, he couldn't put it into words. His legs suddenly went weak and he almost slipped to the ground. He could feel a certain knot in his throat, he couldn't seem to swallow it down.

When Xiao Zhan turned around to get in the car, he looked towards the direction Yibo was standing but Yibo quickly ducked, he didn't want to be seen, he was too ashamed to be seen. He sat on the floor for a while until someone came to ask him if he was okay. Only then did he realize that he had been in a daze, again and his face was wet.

He got up, took the nearest taxi and left. As for the gift, he had lost it somewhere and he had no idea where, he didn't mind though. He didn't want to see it again.


Meanwhile, it had been two weeks and Xiao Zhan's depressed mood had not been lifted. His weekends now felt different even if he spent most of his time with Yang Zi.

"Just call him if you miss him so badly", Yang Zi was not dense. She had seen how close both boys were. Yes, sex changes a lot but she didn't expect Xiao Zhan to become a shadow of himself.

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