Chapter 5

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Yibo experienced what it felt like to have everything you ever wanted. He only suspected it in the past but now he could tell Xiao Zhan liked him, he believed Xiao Zhan liked him but he was holding back.

"I'm all yours, A-Zhan, I'm not going anywhere". Hearing nothing else and sensing no further movement from Zhan, he was able to move away and look at Xiao Zhan's face. Xiao Zhan had fallen asleep and a line of tears went straight for the pillow. Yibo could help kissing him all over his face, kissing away his tears and sucking his lips until they turned red. Only then did he lie down beside Xiao Zhan, holding him in a hug.


Yibo didn't know when he slept or how long he slept but when he opened his eyes, he was alone in bed.

He went into the bathroom to take a bath as he felt sticky and when he was done, he went into the living room hoping to find Xiao Zhan there but he was met with an empty house.

The kitchen looked exactly the way they left it earlier. Looking outside, Xiao Zhan's car was gone. Yibo panicked in his heart. He called Xiao Zhan several times but his phone rang out, no one answered.

Fearing what may have happened, he decided to call Yang Zi. If he was thinking well, he would never have called her. She said she called Xiao Zhan about an hour ago. He was unwell and resting at home.

So Zhan left, he went home. But why? Why did he leave? Did he regret what they had done? Was he going to change his mind afterwards? Yibo dreaded thinking of the answers to this question. He looked at the time and it wasn't even 8pm yet. He took a taxi and headed straight for Xiao Zhan's place.


"What have we done?"

These words sent Yibo's hopes on a downwards spiral. He had imagined things differently. He felt sex with Xiao Zhan had helped him to realize his feelings and things would go smoothly from then on.

Yes, Zhan now had a girlfriend but they had just started dating and the sooner he ended things with her, the better for them both but Yibo forgot one important fact, Xiao Zhan was drunk when they both had sex.

People reacted differently when drunk. For some, they knew exactly what they were doing and could stand by the decisions they made while drunk, Yibo was one of those. Xiao Zhan on the other hand was one of those who had no idea what they were doing while drunk. He couldn't tell what was right or wrong and he ended doing something that he would ordinarily have avoided at that moment.

When he woke up, he felt a burning pain deep down in his backside. The moment he tried to move, the pain intensified. Also, he found himself wrapped tightly in Yibo's arms. Yibo was asleep but he was reluctant to let him go. Xiao Zhan still had dried semen all over his body. When he managed to sit up, he felt something leak out of his back side. All his false hopes of 'there must be an explanation' were shattered at that moment. He was unable to come to terms with the fact that he had sex with his best friend. Knowing Yibo's character, Xiao Zhan knew Yibo would not refuse him for anything, he was convinced that he forced Yibo to sleep with him. His actions may cause a strain on their friendship. He needed to think, to clear his head then find a way to fix his friendship with Yibo.

Also, he now had a girlfriend and what he did could be considered cheating. How was he to deal with that? When Yang Zi called stating she wanted to come over, he asked her not to as he didn't know how to face her, he felt guilty. He sat in his bedroom, deep in thoughts when he heard a knock on the door.

"My boyfriend is sick, did you really expect me to stay away?", Yang Zi had come anyway. She brought over a bowl of chicken soup and some pain killers. She had no idea what the issue was so she brought random items.

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