Extra chapter

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Yibo was acting strange all day. He smiled, much more than he had ever smiled since he started his new job. Usually, he was amongst the last to leave the office but today, immediately it clocked 4pm, he picked up his bag and ran off.

Yibo had been working for close to three months and Xiao Zhan had quit his job. He was moving over the next day. As for why Yibo was in a rush, well...

Xiao Zhan had always loved his environment neat and tidy. Yibo on the other hand didn't care much. He left pieces of clothes lying everywhere, dirty socks were not properly put away, even already washed clothes were piled on one chair.

Previously, Xiao Zhan visited Yibo every weekend so he had to keep his apartment neat but living alone for the past few weeks, he had reverted to his original untidy behavior. He figured he was going to spend the rest of his Friday evening cleaning up to prepare for Xiao Zhan's arrival on Saturday.

Also, he had been eating mostly junk food but Xiao Zhan believed he made home cooked meals so he also had to do the groceries. He had quite a lot of work to do but it was perfect, it would help keep his mind off things else, he wasn't sure he would be able to contain himself as he awaited Xiao Zhan's arrival.

He got into his car and put a call across to Xiao Zhan.

"How are you doing? Are you all packed up? Do you need me to come over so we can return together?"

"Nah, no need. I'm all packed up, I still need to round up at work today, I'd be on my way as early as possible tomorrow morning".

They both lived approximately 6 hours apart, they had both been so occupied with work, they had no time to travel during the weekend so they hadn't seen each other since Yibo moved.

"Alright, what would you like to eat? So I can prepare it before you arrive".

Xiao Zhan gave him a list of what to prepare. They kept talking as he headed to the grocery store. Zhan said he had to go so they ended the call.

Inside, Yibo shopped so much that he attracted the attention of onlookers. Not only did he have to prepare what Xiao Zhan asked for, he also had to stock up the house. He couldn't have Xiao Zhan meet a large double doored fridge with only a bottle of milk in it. Also, the cupboards were empty save for instant noodles. He was going to fill it all up and if there was any space left, he'd come out again for more shopping.

Yibo had to admit, he was excited about Xiao Zhan's arrival. As for why he was shopping at the last minute, well, he kept on procrastinating until he ran out of time.

By the time Yibo got all he felt he needed, it was almost 8pm so he drove straight home. If he wasn't such a careless person, he would have noticed a car parked in the garage. Well, he never used it, he simply parked in the drive way.

Yibo entered the house and all the lights were turned off as usual. He turned on the lights in the living room and brought his shopping in. He decided to tidy up before putting the groceries away, that was when he noticed something wrong, the living room was unusually tidy.

He walked towards the bedroom he used and he noticed everything had been placed properly. The cloth items that had been carelessly thrown about were nowhere to be found.

He felt his heart racing. Was Xiao Zhan here already? Well, if it wasn't Zhan then there was a problem. If it was Zhan...there was also going to be a problem.

He opened the door of the bedroom slowly and...it was empty. There was no one inside. He wasn't relieved yet as it was possible for Xiao Zhan to be in another bedroom. Just when he turned around, he came face to face with a person, he nearly jumped out of his skin.


Yibo didn't know when but Xiao Zhan was standing behind him. He didn't hear him creep up on him so he wasn't expecting to meet him in this manner.

"This isn't the welcome I was expecting but I'd take it, Bahahahaha, you needed to see your face", Yibo was shocked and reacted that way. Xiao Zhan's shoulders shook as he laughed. It took Yibo a few seconds to steady his emotions then it suddenly hit him, Xiao Zhan was here.

He quickly pulled him into a hug and brought his laughter to an abrupt end by sealing his lips in a kiss.

"I wasn't expecting you, I..."

"Hmm, I wanted to surprise you but guess who got surprised? How have you been living? Let's not talk about the mess just yet, what have you been eating? Don't you dare lie to me because I can see you have lost weight".


Seeing him looking like a child who had been caught stealing candy, Xiao Zhan's heart softened.

"Ah, stop acting like you're being bullied. Didn't you notice I cleaned up? By the time I finished, it was already late and I wasn't able to go out for a meal. I had to make do with your noodles".

"I'm sorry love..."

"Mnn", Xiao Zhan pulled him into another hug. He was prepared to fight but...he had missed him. They had a lot of time in the future to fight over other things. Right now, he just wanted to be enveloped in this warmth that he had missed so much.

"When did you arrive?"

"At about 2pm?"

Yibo was sincerely worried that Xiao Zhan had not eaten. He opted to go make food. Xiao Zhan nodded but refused to let go.

"I'd eat later, let me eat you first, it's been a long time..."

Yibo didn't wait for him to finish talking when he picked him up and took him inside. As for who got eaten, well that happened behind closed doors, only the parties involved can give a definite answer.

Author's note

Xiao Zhan! Xiao Zhan got eaten. Trust me, I saw 🙈

End of story. Thank you for reading and for your support. I appreciate it. I'd be posting another story soon (ZhanYi this time). Kind of similar (friends falling in love) but a very different plot. Stay tuned ❤️

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