Chapter 4

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Yibo had always believed Xiao Zhan had feelings for him but his belief that he was completely heterosexual kept holding him back. Why else would he feel guilty when he got a girlfriend? Zhan couldn't put a name to his feeling but Yibo could tell it was guilt, after all, there was no one who understood Xiao Zhan more than Yibo himself.

As they kissed, Yibo could feel Xiao Zhan melting under his arms. He was drunk and completely defenseless, this also included his emotions. He hung his hands around Yibo's neck and pulled him closer.

Xiao Zhan was kissing him with so much enthusiasm that Yibo was afraid that he might be unable to stop. He tried to pull apart but Xiao Zhan kept pulling him back. Yibo only planned to kiss him, that didn't mean he wasn't willing to go further.

Their situation was indeed troublesome. Just the previous day, Xiao Zhan had gotten himself a girlfriend, this morning, they were kissing each other like their lives depended on it.

Xiao Zhan pushed Yibo away. Thinking Zhan wanted to stop the kiss, Yibo felt a certain kind of heart ache but to his delight, Xiao Zhan straddled him instead and ripped off his shirt.

Yibo held on to Xiao Zhan's waist and circled his hands around it. Zhan fit in perfectly in his arms as if he was born to be there. in Yibo's heart, he knew after getting a taste of him, he would be unwilling to let go. He didn't care, he would take all the blame but he wasn't letting go of Xiao Zhan anymore.

Yibo flipped their positions and placed Xiao Zhan on the couch, lying on his back. He undid Zhan's trousers and slid it down to his knees.

Xiao Zhan who had been held suddenly felt like he was falling when Yibo let go of him to take off his trousers. He didn't like that empty feeling and hurried to hook his arms around Yibo's neck, pulling him back into the kiss.

"A-Zhan...", Yibo voice was now hoarse, mixed with love and lust.

Trying to speak had interrupted their savory kiss which Xiao Zhan found unpleasant. He bit his lips in retaliation. Yibo was past being a gentle man. He struggled to get rid of Xiao Zhan's trouser and wrapped his legs around his waist then lifted him off the couch, heading straight to the room.

He had to claim this man right here and now, damn the consequences.

Back in the room, Yibo soon took off his own clothes and both men were now stark naked.

This was their first time being like this, he had no idea the things Xiao Zhan liked but he intended to find out. He traced his tongue around Xiao Zhan's nipple, teasing and caressing while carefully avoiding them.

"Ahhhh", Xiao Zhan let out a soft moan as he wriggled his body, attempting to put his nipples in Yibo's mouth. sensing his needs, Yibo brushed his tongue softly over his nipples. This action made Xiao Zhan shudder.

Both men were rock hard down there and the position they were in made their crotches rub against each other with their every move. Yibo finally gave Xiao Zhan what he wanted and wrapped his lips around his nipple as he continuously flicked over it with his tongue.

"Ahhhh", Xiao Zhan could only feel pleasure. He reached down to hold on to his throbbing penis but Yibo intertwined their fingers, stopping him from doing that. He wanted to pleasure him in every way, he didn't want Xiao Zhan to be responsible for his own pleasure.

He kissed him all the way down, past his belly button to his fully erect penis, which already had its tip moist. Xiao Zhan was actively seeking pleasure, moving his waist and rubbing his penis over Yibo's chest and face.

Yibo wanted to take this slow but it seemed his partner wasn't so patient, he parted Xiao Zhan's legs, positioning them over his shoulders as he went down to take suck his penis into his mouth.

"Ahhhhh", Xiao Zhan's moans were getting louder and more intense. Yibo could hardly hold back. He had longed for this person for so long and here they were. He lubricated a finger and pushed it into Zhan's hole without releasing the penis from his mouth.

The sudden intrusion made Xiao Zhan jerk in surprise but he soon found the feeling pleasant. Yibo continued to bob his head as his finger soothed that back passage. When he felt it had adjusted to his attacks, he pushed another finger in.

This action of his caused Xiao Zhan to moan loudly and clench his insides tightly around the intruding fingers. Yibo could feel the dick in his mouth swelling in size. If he continued to do this, Xiao Zhan was going to come. He tried to pull out and he heard Xiao Zhan say something. It took him a few seconds to realize Zhan was trying to say "Don't stop". His speech was slurred hence the difficulty in comprehension.

Yibo added another finger as he pushed them in and out. He could feel Xiao Zhan's insides contracting and relaxing around him. he wanted that to be done around his penis so badly. He added a 4th finger.

Xiao Zhan had no idea whether he was in pain or not but it felt good. When Yibo removed the fingers totally, he struggled to put them back but he heard Yibo say something about replacing them with something better. Could something really feel better than this?

Yibo added more lube and placed the tip of his own penis at the entrance of Xiao Zhan's honey pot. He pushed in slowly as Xiao Zhan sucked him in inch by inch. He took his time to enjoy as the tightness and warmth gradually wrapped around him from the tip of his penis till he was completely buried deep inside Xiao Zhan.

It felt almost unbelievable, he was inside this man. Just the previous day, he had gone to bed heartbroken but here they were, one buried inside the other and the other's legs wrapped around his waist, his soft moans floating into his ears. Yibo paused for a bit to look at Xiao Zhan. His eyes were wet, almost as if he was crying, his lips slightly parted and his head tilted backwards.

Yibo pulled out almost completely and pushed himself back in.

"hmmmmnn", Xiao Zhan's moans were more than enough motivation for him. Yibo's movements became faster, his own moans soon became indistinguishable from Xiao Zhan's. He held up Xiao Zhan's legs from behind his knees and pushed himself in. This enabled him to go deeper and unknown to him, he hit that spot in there. He heard Xiao Zhan moan again but this time the moaning was different.

They were at it for an unknown length of time until Xiao Zhan poured his cum. Watching the tip of his penis erupt in such manner, Yibo was unable to hold back and with a loud moan, he buried his face in Xiao Zhan's neck and climaxed deep inside him.

Even after 20 minutes, Xiao Zhan refused to let go. He mumbled a string of sentences which Yibo could barely make out but the last thing Yibo heard was 'I want you Bo, stay with me'.

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