Chapter 6

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A subtle knock on the door roused Xiao Zhan from his trance. Only then did he remember that he had a guest waiting in the living room. He had been lost in his thoughts for so long, he had lost track of time.

"Come in".

Yang Zi had never gone past his living room. Yibo had been gone for more than an hour and she heard nothing from Xiao Zhan. She understood both boys were best of friends and Xiao Zhan needed some time after the fight they just had.

"I'm sorry to disturb your quiet time. I understand you need some space so... I'd be taking my leave now, I just wanted to let you know".

Yang Zi had been more than understanding. It looked like she was the only one putting an effort in their newly formed relationship. Xiao Zhan felt sorry, sorry for cheating on her, sorry for not giving her the attention she deserved and sorry for... simply not loving her as much as she loved him. Even if he wasn't in love with her just yet, he was willing to try, to put in the effort. After all, she was a beautiful lady with a calm personality...a lot like Yibo.

Xiao Zhan held her by the wrist. "I'm sorry. Today was..." he didn't know how to put how he felt into words. What he had done to her was despicable. It was better to confess his deeds and have her break up with him. She surely deserved better. "Yang Zi... I'm sorry. Earlier today, I did something, something really bad. I don't deserve you. You've been nothing but good to me."


Yang Zi said nothing, obviously waiting for Xiao Zhan to continue. Xiao Zhan could no longer look her in the eyes. He would just confess and let her break up with him then he would go over to Yibo's apartment and cry over his heartbreak... His thoughts suddenly came to a halt. Why was he still trying to find solace in Yibo at this point? He didn't feel disgusted by what they did, he just felt guilty and...sore.

"Yibo and I...well I was at his place this morning and we had a lot to drink. We ended up...Ahem", Xiao Zhan cleared his throat.

"You both had sex, right?"


"You both were quite loud when you were talking. At first I didn't hear anything but..."

Xiao Zhan got the point. He knew saying this was going to be hard but hearing their argument, he didn't know how he felt.

"I'm sorry, I've wronged you and you have every right to break up with me but please, don't hold any grudges. We were friends before anything and I would like for it to remain so...", seeing she wasn't saying anything and her expression was unreadable, Xiao Zhan kept quiet, giving her time to think.

After a while, Yang Zi finally spoke.

"It seems you really don't want to be in a relationship with me"


"You made a mistake but the only solution you're thinking of is breaking up".

"No, it's not like that...", it's exactly like that.

"Why not think of a way to move forward? If you really care about this relationship, you should try to make it up instead".

"I really do want to make it up to you, I just don't know how". He really didn't know how. If it were Yibo, he would... Xiao Zhan was thinking about Yibo again.

"Just put in a little more effort. As for what happened, I understand you were both drunk, I'd not hold you both accountable. A little more effort is all I ask for".

Xiao Zhan was surprised she let him off so easily. She understood his difficulty and she didn't rub his misdeeds in his face. He felt somewhat grateful.

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