Chapter 10

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Yibo had learnt the hard way not to take anything Xiao Zhan said or did while drunk, seriously. He was sure Xiao Zhan was still drunk hence he allowed his vulnerability take over his emotions but still, he couldn't help but be hopeful. Xiao Zhan loved him? Xiao Zhan regretted pushing him away? Xiao Zhan felt bad that he had a boyfriend? In his heart, he felt some sort of joy knowing there was hope for them both but he didn't want to be too hopeful, he was going to wait and see how Xiao Zhan reacted when he was sober.

When Xiao Zhan woke up the next morning, he was assaulted by a splitting headache. He reached his hand over Yibo, grabbing on to the nearest phone to check the time. He picked up the phone and found it was a little after 9am but soon something came across his eyes.

There was a message 'I really enjoyed our time yesterday, are we still on for tonight?'

Xiao Zhan didn't need to wonder who sent it, it was apparent. Yibo's love life was going well and he was not qualified to ruin it. He had thought he'd at least try to win him back but seeing this...the little courage he had gathered faded away.


Yibo noticed he was alone when he woke up, again, Xiao Zhan was gone. He was right, a drunk Xiao Zhan was completely unreliable! He wanted to take a shower and rush over to Xiao Zhan's place. How hard was it for him to admit his damn feelings? After brushing his teeth, he felt a bath would take too long so he gave up on the idea.

When he got outside, he found Xiao Zhan kicking at his car, apparently releasing all his pent up annoyance on it.

"Stupid car, stupid car, why won't you start? When you're supposed to be functional, you turn out useless. You were working just fine yesterday, what happened..."

As he listened to Xiao Zhan cuss at his car repeatedly, he couldn't stop a smile from forming across his lips. Xiao Zhan had tried to leave as usual but it turned out his car refused to start.

"Let me have a look", Yibo opened the hood of the car, touched here and there and asked Xiao Zhan to try turning it on. He did and this time around, the car started.

"Did you even try to see what the problem was?"

The answer to that was a big 'no'. After trying to turn it on a few times and the car refused to start, he couldn't hold back his frustration from what he saw on Yibo's phone and since the car was seeking death, he decided to give it a way out. His leg was going to hurt later from all that kicking.

"Thank you", Xiao Zhan could feel his cheeks getting warmer, he knew he was blushing so he turned his face away in embarrassment, looking at the floor.

"Where are you off to so early? Are you sober enough to drive or do you want me to drop you off?"

"I'm fine, thank you. As for last night, sorry to trouble you. No need to drop me off, you can stay behind and wait...for your date". He said the last part through gritted teeth. Yibo put one and two together and figured out the reason for his tantrum. He felt a certain feeling spread through his body. He wanted to tease, push Xiao Zhan to the extreme to see how he would react but he was simply too excited.

"Yes, it's a date but he's not my boyfriend. Turns out he also loves to play video games so we agreed to meet up tonight".

Xiao Zhan didn't ask for an explanation but he was happy to receive one. "But... yesterday... the both of you...".

"He was just doing as his cousin; your girlfriend, asked him to. If he had refused, she would not have let him be", Yibo now realized something. "A-Zhan, was that why you were out drinking?"

Xiao Zhan's already red face turned even redder. He realized he hadn't told Yibo about the development between Yang Zi and himself.

"There's no girlfriend, not anymore".

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