True friend

112 27 17

Chain of thoughts that's
running in her cage mind ;
wishing to be free
searching a way to escape
in order to be expressed
Finding its way through her pen
Scattering into the empty page

The blank page Infront of her
Looked awfully empty ;
Glancing at her Soul
As if it's waiting
Waiting for her to express
To release the emotions
That's buried deep inside

When the words she couldn't utter
Her hand surrendered to speak
With her friend diary

The pages give her a shoulder to cry on
It drenched by the tears of her pain
Comfort her by staying beside her silently
Listening her rent, her complains
Her unsaid feeling and whispering fantasy

The introverted she
converted to extrovert
With her friend ;
always scribbling, writing,
expressing, non stop talking

Even though sometime
Human friend hurt her even left her
But her diary, her only friend
who selflessly stayed
both in storms and rainbows
winter and spring

It helped her to express
Taught her Not to bottle up her feelings

It comforted her
When Others hurt her

It stayed by her side
When Others left her

It cried with her in her sadness
laughed with her in her happiness

       in form of her

T r u e
         F r i e n d ♡ ~

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