02" 𝙏𝙒𝙊

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02" ↴                             【THE ONE WITH THE KEGGER

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THE CAR HONKED, signaling for the two girls to hurry up. 'Jesus,' Rafe gripped the steering wheel ',Can you two be any slower?' Cole rolled her eyes as she walked out of the Cameron's front door. 'Seriously?' She stared at her friend. 'Please just do this for me.' Sarah whispered.

Cole rolled her eyes as she opened the car door, plotting herself next to Rafe so that her friend could sit in the back with her boyfriend. 

   'Finally,' Rafe mumbled under his breath ',Listen I'm not going to babysit you two the whole night.'

'Trust me, we weren't counting on it.' Cole sarcastically smiled at the boy while she clicked her seat buckle in. 'Alright,' Topper grunted in the back before open a can of beer ', Let's drink some beers and hit some pogues!'

The group in the car burst out into laughter as they drove across Kildare Island. As much as Rafe and Topper annoyed Cole, she still had the best time with them.

'We have to stay lowkey guys.' Kiara ordered as she pumped the kegger. 'Kie,' JJ started ', Do you even know me?' She took a breath in before mumbling; 'Unfortunately..'

'Yo,' John B looked up 'Is that Sarah Cameron?' The rest of the pouges looked up at the said name. 'Yeah and her group of kooks.' JJ scoffed before taking a gulp of his drink.

"Why are they here?' Kiara rolled her eyes in disgust. 'Why do you hate them again?' John B asked, staring at the blonde girl. 'Long story.' Kiara walked away, pushing past Pope.

The three boys shrugged it off before following the curly haired girl. 'JJ, John B take the keg with me.' She pointed to them then back at the metal can.

JJ started filling red cups with the liquor. He passed one to a tourist girl in front of him before flashing her a grin. 'JJ, and you are?' A loud scoff came from the line of people waiting for a drink.

    'Excuse me.' A familiar bitchy tone came forward. 'Oh.. look who it is,' JJ rolled her eyes at Cole La Hana ', the kook queen.'

'Yeah whatever - maybe if you weren't too busy pathetically flirting,' She sarcastically smiled ', this line wouldn't be so long.'

'You clearly don't know what good flirting is,' He smirked pouring her a cup of beer ',want me to teach you?'

'You're hilarious.' She replied as she tried to take the red cup from his hand. Instead, he moved it away from her right before she could grab it. She lifted an eyebrow at him before trying to take it again only to have him move it, once again.

Kiara and John B snickered under their breath as JJ had a plastered grin on his face. She quickly clutched the drink from his hand, spilling it a bit. 'Asswipe.' She mumbled before walking to back over Sarah.

'Yeah she definitely likes me.' The blonde smiled smugly at his friends, who did nothing but roll their eyes at his ignorance.

Throughout the night the group partied hard with a bunch of different people. However, Cole  drank a little more than Sarah, which wasn't anything new. Cole's hazy eyes scanned the beach before they landed on Sarah and Topper dancing together.

She stumbled on the sand as she began dancing to the loud music playing on the beach. She swung her body back and fourth, her long hair moving with it, between the crowd of many people. 

The alcohol and loud music wasn't a good mix for Cole. The kook stumbled over her feet before falling onto the cold sand.

'Woah.' A voice appeared from above her. The boy kneeled down to the girl who was laughing as she was covered in sand. 'Okay let's get you up.' John B grunted before lifting the girl back onto her feet.

'I'm fine,' Cole laughed as he held her arms ', truly.'  John B laughed with the kook, something he never thought he'd do before.

      'Hey pogue!' Rafe shouted from behind the pair.

John B turned around, aswell as everyone else on the beach. 'What do you think you're doing man?' Rafe continued, swirling the liquid in his red cup. Cole rolled her eyes knowing that Rafe's intention wasn't to protect her, it was only to show the pogues that kooks are superior.

'He was just helping me up Rafe.' Cole butted in, dusting sand off her jeans. 'Stay out of this Cole.' Topper jumped in. Sarah stood awkwardly behind her boyfriend as the rest of the crowd stared.

'I don't want any trouble,' John B surrendered his hands ', so.. I suggest you kooks go back to Figure 8.'

Topper stepped forward, getting in John B's face. 'Look pretty boy - you better watch your tone.' He poked at John B's chest.

'Topper cut it out.' Sarah tried to grab his hand. Instead he yanked it away from her, not breaking eye contact with the other boy.

'You should listen to your girlfriend,' John B chuckled ', sweetheart.'

    That was Topper's last straw before he quickly collided his fist with John B's face.

Cole quickly stepped back as the two boys physically fought in front of her, kicking sand everywhere.

'Stop!' Sarah cried, watching her boyfriend. The two boys made their way to the waves, which weren't far from where the fight broke out.

'Sarah, tell your boyfriend to back off!' Kiara called out. The fight got incredibly intense, causing Cole to sober up.

Suddenly, Topper grabbed the back of John B's hair before holding him inches from the rushing water. 'Do you want me to drown you like your old man?' Topper grunted through his teeth.

He pushed John B's head under the water causing gasps from the crowd. 'Rafe!' Cole turned around. 'He's going to drown him, do something!'

Rafe stood awkwardly from the sidelines, not reacting to anything. 

         'Fucking coward.' Cole mumbled before rushing towards the fighting pair.

She fell back suddenly as JJ beat her to it, pushing a gun to Topper's head.

Cole covered her mouth with her shaky hands as she stared at the deadly weapon. 'Yea,' JJ grunted, pushing the gun closer ',You know what that is right?'

       'Stop it!' Sarah screamed, with tears in her eyes.

'JJ, put the gun down!' Cole cried out to the blonde boy. 'Did you say something princess?' JJ replied, not even looking at her. Most people from the party were already running back to their cars or safety.

        'We we're just playing man.' Topper trembled nervously, letting go of John B.

'Alright that's it!' JJ stepped back, walking back onto the sand with the gun still in his hand.

    'Everyone get the hell off our side of the island!' His voice echoed throughout the beach before he let off two gunshots.

'Holy fuck.' Cole whispered, staring at the boy with teary eyes. 'Let's go, now!' Sarah shouted before grabbing Cole's hand and dragging her back to Rafe's car.

Cole turned back, catching a slight glimpse of JJ's eyes - which were filled with rage.

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