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THE DOOR SWUNG OPEN - Cole's brother, Tripp, stood awkwardly at the frame. 'Yes?' Cole lifted a brow towards him. He stared blankly at his younger sister who was laid across her bed.

'Seriously?' Tripp continued, entering the room. 'Do you expect me to guess what you're about to scold me for?' Cole sighed to her brother, closing her laptop.

'C'mon at least give me a hint.' She continued, knowing full well what he was about to say. 'Cole this isn't even funny,' The older sibling crossed his arms ', why did Rafe tell me that a gun was pulled on you guys last night?'

The girl groaned as she lifted herself off her bed. 'Obviously he would've told you.' She mumbled under her breath. Tripp said nothing, waiting for a better response.

'It was stupid,' Cole faced him, leaning against her desk ', Topper almost drowned that John B kid.'

'It doesn't matter Cole,' Tripp ran his fingers through his hair ',you could've gotten shot.' Cole silently laughed at him ',you're being a little dramatic - JJ Maybank wouldn't dare kill someone.'

'..Obviously it was that Maybank kid.' Tripp mumbled before opening the bedroom door again. 'Cole?' He softly said as he stood in the frame. She let out a silent hm as she lay back down.

'Just please be careful.' He glanced at her with worried eyes. She gave him a reassuring nod, knowing he just cared about her and wanted her to be safe.

'Don't forget your shift at the Surf Shack today.' He chuckled before closing the door.

Cole groaned at her brother's final sentence. The La Hana's owned the only surf shack on Kildare Island meaning it was always busy, which meant that Cole and Tripp were constantly working there to help out their parents.

Cole huffed as she carried a large surf board to the back of the shop. 'Okay,' Cole's mom, Maria, came through ',I'm going to run to go get supplies.'

Cole turned around and gave her mom a light smile, knowing what was coming next.

'You've got the store right?' The woman pointed at her daughter with a hopeful smile. 'Uh yeah,' Cole flashed a fake smile ',I should be all good.' She watched her mom's face light up before she started making her way out.

Cole didn't mind working, it just bothered her when her mom dumped everything on her to go 'get supplies'.

Cole made her way back to the front of the store. She let out a gasp as she saw two familiar boys. 'What are you doing here?' She questioned from behind the counter. Both of the boys turned around at her presence.

'Uh,' John B chuckled ',getting some surf stuff.' Cole realized that was a stupid question, but she was too stubborn to let it show. 'Oh no, no no no.' She continued as she looked at JJ.

'Do you not want us to support your family's business?' JJ raised his brows, holding the board was in his hand up.

'I don't want you in here.' She shot a glare at the boy. 'Why's that?' He sarcastically asked, throwing the wax between his hands.

'Are you kidding?' Cole scoffed before making her way out from behind the counter. JJ jerked his eyebrow, signaling for her to explain more.

'You pulled a gun on me and my friends.' She stood strong in front of the two boys, showing them they didn't scare her.

'Oh thaaaat.' JJ chuckled before looking at John B, who honestly seemed quite confused. 'It's not my fault your psycho boyfriend wanted to start shit.' The blonde continued.

Cole's crossed her eyebrows as she tried to think about who he was referring to. Rafe.

'You don't go around pulling guns on people,' Cole completely ignored his comment ',if anything you're the psycho.'

'Your friend almost drowned John B,' He started raising his voice ',did you forget about that part?'

John B nudged JJ, signaling for him to cut it out. 'Still taking orders from other people like a little bitch.' Cole mumbled before she went back behind the counter.

JJ was about to launch forward and start shouting but John B kept him back. 'Look dude chill out,' He whisper shouted ',we just need to get this stuff so we solve my dad's mystery.'

Cole raised her eyebrow at the boy, who was oblivious to how loud he actually was. 'We're close, I just need more information.' The boy continued, completely unaware.

'If you need more information, the Cameron's have a bunch of stuff about that.' Cole chirped in causing the boys to turn around.

'How do you even know what we're talking about?' John B questioned the girl, walking closer to the counter. 'Because literally everyone on Kildare knows about your dad's journey,' She stood up to lean over the counter ', now are you gonna pay for that?'

'Uh yeah..yeah.' John B stuttered before taking the wax out of JJ's hands and placing them on the counter. JJ didn't say a word, he was too stubborn to even look at the girl - despite her helping them out a bit.

Cole scanned the tubs as the two boys awkwardly stood in front of her. 'Thank you,' John B chuckled ', by the way.'

'Don't mention it.' She smiled before handing him the paper bag of wax tubs and loose change.

'Yeah they'll be back from golf later.' Sarah spoke to her friend across the room. Sarah had a constant grin on her face but didn't mention it. 'What's that look on your face Sarah Cameron?' Cole asked with a smug smile on her face.

'What look?' The blonde asked, her look instantly fading. 'I know you a bit too well,' Cole chuckled from the bean bag ', so you better tell me.'

Sarah quickly jumped off the bed and made her way towards her friend. 'Okay so,' She kneeled down ',I'm supposed to go to Charleston with John Routledge.'

Cole shot up off the beanbag ',you what?!'

'It's not like that..okay maybe it's potentially like that.' Sarah explained but failed. 'What's Topper gonna say?' Cole asked, worried about her friends decisions.

'Don't tell him,' Sarah grabbed her best friend's hands ',please.' Cole thought for a moment before letting out 'Trust me I wouldn't willingly speak to Topper.'

'You're the best,' Sarah hugged her ',can we go get food now?' Cole laughed before getting off the bean bag.

The pair made their way down the Cameron's staircase, still chatting about the John B thing. As they reached the bottom, they heard loud laughs and exclamations.

Cole turned the corner to see Rafe standing there with a bloody golf club and fist.

    'Rafe - What the hell is that?' Sarah let out a shaky voice.

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