"04 𝙁𝙊𝙐𝙍

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04" ↴

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04" ↴


RAFE STOOD SHOCKED, not thinking anyone was home. 'It's uh..' He trailed for a bit before looking over at Topper ', nothing Sarah.' She began charging down the hall towards him. 'Are you seriously going to call this nothing?' She questioned before taking the club from his grip.

'Rafe,' Cole walked forward ', did you hit someone?' Topper ran his fingers through his hair before turning around. Rafe clicked his neck before turning to the two girls. 'It's nothing alright,' He raised his voice ', it's taken care of.'

'Cole,' Topper spoke up ', I think we should go.' Cole looked between the two boys then back at her best friend. 'Uh yeah.' She finally gave in before letting out a frustrated sigh.

Cole and Sarah quickly made their way back up. 'I'm so sorry.' Sarah huffed, still in shock. 'It's fine,' Cole reassured her ',nothing I haven't seen before.' Sarah returned the warm smile. 'Be safe in Charleston.' Cole warned as she picked up her bag.

'I'll update you,' Sarah smiled ',don't get too bored without me.'

'Come in.' Cole responded to the knock on her door. 'Hello Darling.' Her mom walked in. 'Hi.' She lightly smiled back, making space for her mom on the bed.

'How'd the shop go?' Maria asked as she lay next to her tired daughter. 'It was good,' Cole looked up at her mom ', a few people in and out.' Her mind instantly went to the blonde boy.

'Aw you always do well there.' Her mom sounded proud for a moment. Cole chuckled at her mom's reaction.

    'Listen,' Her mom started causing Cole to      sit up ', it's the Kildare family movie night   tomorrow - you're coming right?'

Cole thought for a moment. 'Probably not - Sarah won't be there.' She responded before lying back down. 'Coley,' Maria sat up ', surely you have other friends than Sarah.'

'Yeah but I don't like them.' She blatantly stated. Cole had a lot of friends, yet she still felt lonely. They were mainly fake friendships based on wealth, which wasn't genuine.

'Please just go tomorrow,' The mother ran her jewelry laced fingers, which happened to be gold, through her daughters hair ',people are expecting you.'

'Fine mom,' Cole sat up to get away from her mother ',only if I get to choose my midsummer's dress.'

Her mother chuckled in agreement before leaving the room, which only filled it with silence. Until..


(XXX)-505-6128 !

yo. is rafe home 😎

cole la hana
ermmm..who is this?

only the hottest blonde surfer boy on kildare island

cole la hana
oh fck no. bye



ew don't reply
just answer the question. then
i'll get out of your preciously conditioned hair

cole la hana
pls never say that again
and yea..he's home

ew dont reply

cole la hana
are u gonna tell me why

ew dont reply
you're hot but no
later, don't dream about me 😘

Cole threw her phone down on her bed out of frustration, she was frustrated at everything - frustrated at her mom for making her go to the movie night, frustrated at Sarah for ditching her, frustrated at herself and what really pushed her over the edge was these stupid messages.

With that, the teen grabbed her metal tin from her top draw and made her way towards her window. She quietly lifted the frame before stepping out. She treaded slowly and lightly on her roof, for two reasons. One, her house was incredibly big and she would probably end up in hospital if she fell and two, she didn't want to alert anyone in her family that she was up here.

'Shit.' She mumbled before sitting herself on the cold material. Her eyes gazed upon the Kildare sky, which was lit with numerous different constellations.

She began opening her tin box to reveal a lighter and two perfectly rolled joints. She smiled lightly before taking one of the compacted herbs between her two fingers. She hesitated before placing the joint between her lips.

She brought the lighter towards her before setting it alight. Then took a few puffs before noticing a boat roaring through the water. Since it was dark, she really had to squint.

She instantly recognized the boat as the words 'H.S Pogue' was painted across it. She looked at the direction they were coming from. It was either from Topper or the Cameron's house. But either way, why would they be on this side of the island and why were they in such a rush?

She shook the mysterious event off before taking another puff. The sudden sound of her window opening startled her, causing her to drop the burning herbs.

     'Fuck! Shit!' She winced, trying to pick it up.

'Ha, sorry sis,' Her brother slowly treaded closer 'didn't mean to startle you.' Cole huffed as she finally managed a grip on the joint.

'Never do that again.' She chuckled before passing it to her older brother. 'Ma told me you're giving her a hard time.' He replied, raising the joint to his lips.

   Cole rolled her eyes ', yeah well I never do anything right to her.'

'She just really wants you to come tomorrow,' He passed the joint back ',you know what she's like.'

'I have no one to go with Tripp.' Cole retorted, putting the ash out. The pair sat in silence after that statement.

   'I'll tell you what,' He leaned back ', you're gonna chill with Rafe, Top and I.'

Cole let out a silent but prominent laugh. 'I'd rather go by myself than spend time with those two.'

'C'mon Cole,' Tripp nudged her ', I'll sneak you extra drinks during Midsummers?'

    '...fine,' Cole pursed her lips after a thought or two ', you've got yourself a deal.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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