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brea is a girl who lives a happy life in los angeles after she moved from french,she lives with her brother and her mom in a modern condo in los angeles,her dad is alive he is just act like he do not have a family,he is busy just for work,he is a big agent in los angeles,he live his live just with his friends leaving brea,cree and their mom alone.

cree replaced his father for brea and he always treat her like a daughte,give her whatever she want,if he leave her one day she feel like she needs something,he was always chasing for her happiness,he was doing everything to make her happy,and she was always doing the same by being happy and get good grades.

every weekend he take her for trips he was treating her like a princess to not feel the empty place of her dad,she was the happiest girl ever when she is around him,truthly she loves him then her mom.

he is 26 yo,he always been taking her advices,listen to her when no one did,get her from every depression and hard time she passes trough,he was her bestfriend,dad,mom,sister everything for her.

brea got 4 bestfriend they were all happy and live their life,they all love cree cause he was a brother for them either, saanvi was having a crush on him but he was older than her,louis was like they passing time together,he was always tutored cora and by that she get good grades,he was treathing nathalia like a sister cause she always wants a brother.

he was an icon,i love him more than myself i was getting hate by a popular group on school and he always make me strong till one day...

he died.

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