˜"*°•.˜"*°• PART TEN 10 •°*"˜.•°*"˜

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vinnie pov.

as i walk out from the closet with nai we kissed but i can tell my mind was just with brea my all mind, as i kissed nai i remember the kiss that i share with brea.

when we walk out i see brea coming from the other side of the pool, i could tell she have mixed feeling,anger,crying but she act silent instead she turn off her phone and stare at me with a smile, what she is not JEALOUS.

NAI  is cute, funny, beautiful.

it was try turn maddy asks him to kiss brea, NOO.

she looks immediately bothered, she tell them she is allergic t kisses, idk if she lying or telling the truth cause we...kissed.

i feel some way... jealous probably yeah i am, i cannot imagine her lips on someone's  other.

yeah we just become friends but probably i liked her for too long...

i grab her wrist gently and lead her outside,i felt happy cause she disagree...

[you okay brea] i questioned her.

[yeah i am] she smiled, her dimples show up.

[[what about the kiss allergy] i giggled .

[i mean is it real or you just try to escape] i smiled at her while looking at her chortling makes me grin.

[its real] she replied as she pull up the two top parts of hair down.

[that mean when i kissed you you get pimples] i asked worried.

[yeah its okey vin, just one day and it disappear.] she chuckled, i smile.

[good thing you do not kiss troy] i tell her in a happy tone.

[why isn't he cool] she questioned.

[idk, i just do not want you to kiss him.] i tell her, probably jealousy...

[mhmm,okay.] she was sus with what i just tell her.

[well, you and nai are a thing]  she asked me wondering.

[no we aren't, she is just cute] i tell her.

[you guys look cute why not, she has a humor,funny,beautiful and you too all girls wishes on you, so two amazing people, powerful relationship]she whisper excitedly.

she isn't  jealous....

[idk, she looks selfish...]

[ohh shit, ijust want you to be happy vincent that all, i think i should go back home tomorrow i will wake up a bit early i got something to do] she sighed.

[like..] i asked.

[my dad texts me when maddy takes my phone, so i call him, and tell i ve gotta make something up to him for work, that just me and cree know about it...] as she says creeher tone become the sad tone ever.

i hugged her.

-skip three months-

brea,vinnie and their friends graduated.

vinnie and brea become very close day by day, they can't separate, everyday vinnie fall in love  with her everytime he knew something new about her, he was happy with her,they argue sometimes,but after couple second they get back to talk normally.

incent always comes to brea house every 6 days in the week , her mom probably start living with her friends and she sometimes talk with brea,her dad didn't talk to her since that day she helped him, but vinnie was always beside her.

saavni and vinnie becomes close either, and vinnie,kio,jordan,aaron,bryce,anthony,chase,jaden,troy,louis,you,nessa,,avani,saavni,nathalia,c-ora,charli,addison always hang out at the weekend so you guys decided to go on a trip to Bahamas, cause when we will get back vinnie sign me up to car races ,as cree promised me.

I'm loosing myself slowly..</3.||vinnie hacker.Where stories live. Discover now