ᕵᗩᖇᖶ Sᘿᐺᘿᘉ 7

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                                               ᴘʟᴀʏ...ᴍᴜʟʟ3 - СНОВА НОЧЬ ( ꜱʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ + ʀᴇᴠᴇʀʙ )


as i was placing the books in my locker,vincent pass by with his group, he quickly stares towards me he smiles a kind of like flirty smile with a winks makes my heart dropped out, i closed ⛝ my locker and walk out of the gate, and definitely get to my car,today i feel better no one reminds me back of cree but he always on my mind,and vinnie's hugs and kiss,changed my whole mood i feel like safe, yesterday night was the best part, ik he bullies me but when he understands what I'm going throu,not like my old friends that they know the whole story but anyways they left me in the worst time,unexpectedly...but anyways Vinnie's smile makes my day.

as i hop into the car and start it, someone opens the door it was vinnie.

[hope you feel good brea] he whispers, his voice was so gentle and caring.

[yeah i feel so much better vinnie]i reply facing him with a smile.

[with the hugs or the kiss] he asked, trying to scan my eyes.

[both] i reply instantly i blushed.

[i didn't tell you, u look pretty when your mood changed]he whisper he will .

i shake my head as 'really' 

[factssss] he giggles.

[wanna drop you home] i asked.

[ why not, and in the same time get to know you better ikk, i know years but never get the opportunity  to know you much better ] he said as he put his head in the window to face me.

[ bet.] i smile at him, he looks so good ngl.


[ brea you drive better than guys, all what i see in the all girls when they drive they are always glued on the steering wheel and terrified from the full road you hit different you look so cool with a car like you play baby games] he observed,lookin at me.

[ yeah when i was 12 cree was teaching me to drive a bit, i was loving car since i was 6 he tell me slowly i will teach you, sometimes he teaches me in some free places so that why...] i blurted looking directly into his eyes.

[ yesterday i kind of heard about that he promises you when you turn 19 he will inscribed you in car races] he queried.

[yeah...he died...] i whimpered as i stop the car in red light.

[brea please you get me feel so bad for you, i think we shouldn't think about the past let look forward the future you know, and when you hit your 19 th you will sign up in car races and follow your dream as he always tell you ] he uttered as he slowly lift gently my chin up

[ you are right but-] i sighed .

[there is no but always future brea always , now think about yourself,cree will be sad if he concerned that you are loosing yourself and thinking about the past] he interrupted me.

probably what he spell out was all right...i need to change .

[it still  month for the graduation, care about yourself, and think about doing your dream.] he continued.

[ you are right vinnie] i mumbled  looking over him.

[ i will do everything to make you happy brea] he simpered.

[ a hug] i playfully spit out.

[why not ] he giggled.

-skiptime-end of te driving.

we asked each other question, and vinnie wasn't the guy that i expected he so gentle, i always thought to myself all the beautiful guys got a worse personality, he hit different.

i drop him off at his house, it was huge like god, he is a HACKER.

before he left he gives me the warmest ever, i feel so comfy, my lips were ginning from ear to ear ...

 i drove back home i take shower, change to something like that

 i drove back home i take shower, change to something like that

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and start do my homework, i feel finally encouraged by someone.

I'm loosing myself slowly..</3.||vinnie hacker.Where stories live. Discover now