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i was vincent fucking cole hacker again,GOD HELP.

[what]i said sarcastically  looking up at him.

[just wondering where is your long hair,your style AND YOUR FRIEND]he said smirking knowing my weakest points.

i stare at him and lead my ead back to the desk.


I look up at him.

[leave... me...alone...hacker...]i said looking at his eyes.

the teacher came.

[everyone take their usual seat please]the teacher whisper as he put his bag on his desk.

vinnie left my table and take a seat infront of me.

[oh brea you come back finally,im sorry for your brother cree,he was one of the best student.]he said looking at me,and everyone does and they was saanvi,cora,nathalia and louis.

tears fill my eyes as the teacher spell CREE,i tried to hold them by looking up and not making any eye contact with anyone.

i wish the school faster as it can.

timeskip-the end f school-

I was about to pass school gate as i feel a pair of hands in my wrist.

i turn of course its vincent.

[aww the childly girl was about to cry in the clas the reason its because she is fake depressed aww] he said looking at me in a smirk.

[let go of my hands]i said looking back at him.

[no one will ever help you eveyone left sadly FRIENDS...CREE]he said looking at me knowing again the weakest point.

i feel so weak in that moment as he spell cree,i feel my knees cannot old my weight,i wanna just scream out loud.

he left chuckling as he left i fall down to the ground beating my tight everywhere in my body,i cry out loud closing my eyes,tears cannot stop,i feel cree is holding my body he is living on it,he is always rolling  around my head.

 i get up from the ground taking steps,i hop in the dark black car,that cree bought it for me in my 17th birthday after he knows i love cars,and i would love become a car racer one day,he told me in my  19th he would register me in car races but....he died.

as i remember that,i start beat the steering wheel,i was traumatized  by my thoughts.

i get back home.

i head to my room.

and sleep...

vinnie pov.

in the skate park.

[oh shit this move cant get in my mind.]i said as i take my board and sit next to jordan, maddy,miya,drarry and cindy.

[what's happening with that girl brea,she fake depressed ofc,a girl can get over someone when he dies over a week.] jordan said taking glare at me.

[idk,all what i consider that her eyes are red and so fucking puffy]i said looking down my phone.

[how about her friend why do the left her]drarry looking at them in the skate park.

[god stop asking you guys acting like im her boyfriend]i said looking up at them.

[you were just bullying her and you tell her she fake depressed]jordan said.

[shut up]i said taking my my board lefting the park.

i dont know i feel something going on with brea and no one believe her.

I'm loosing myself slowly..</3.||vinnie hacker.Where stories live. Discover now