ᑭᗩᖇT TᖇEE 3 ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡

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𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚜𝚠𝚒𝚖 𝚋𝚢 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚚𝚞𝚎


 2 months later.

brea is still the same the pain still the same,she is still sensitive everytime she remembers cree,her friends left her in the hardest time,the most thing that break her even more i get bad grades ,get bullied by vincent though ,and everybody thinks im overreacting and im faking depressed who gonna help me get out of this one person...he died 

i get up at 8 o'clock and get ready.

i take a shower all the thoughts are just a mess all over cree.

i change to this.

and move to the car the tears are now dry on my cheeks,since he died and im down i never evaluate

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and move to the car the tears are now dry on my cheeks,since he died and im down i never evaluate.

i ead to school late none in the halls.

[finally brea came up]he said looking at me all the class laughing even louis,cora,saavni,nathalia.

now im getting hate from everybody my mouth is weak to reply,i just look to the ground and sit at the end of the class.

vinnie staring at me with smirk on his face, i ignore all the glares.

[brea your grades are the worsest stop acting like,we understand that your brother died stop acting like that you are so worse like that]he said with anger,all the class laughing again i look down.

no one understand what im going trough they do not know my dad left us,my mom doesnty care anymore,i lost the person who replace them all,everywhere i go there is memories over him and they say i should get over him.

the bell rang i left to the lunch i found no place.

i feel gaze on me was vinnie staring,

i just throw the lunch and left the lunch room there is no where i can eat this better leave and i have no appetite.

i left to the bathroom, i wash my face, the door opened it reveals vincent helle crap.

[do not bully me , i beg]i said looking at him.

[whats going on with you you are literally a whole different person]he said madly .

[what do you mean]i said 

[always when i bully you were replying me,but now you ae just weak to reply]he said as he lift my chin up to stare at him.

[i should go]i said taking off his hands

[brea]he said as i left the restroom.

he notices,no he is just a fucking bully...


i was about to pass the gate till i feel a pai of hands pushing me...

they were my old friends...

[LOSERRR]THEY all said as i fall down the ground,then vincent and his friends pass by me.

[CRYBABY] they all said expect vincent ,he just looked at me,weirdd...

i left to my car and start crying,i thought id never pass this fucking sad worst life,IT SUCKS.

I'm loosing myself slowly..</3.||vinnie hacker.Where stories live. Discover now