Just The Beginning

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At ten years old, I was adopted by the Avenger family. My name is Roseabella, but my superhero name is Phoenix. The Avengers said it was so easy to name me "Phoenix", since they say I rose from the ashes of my unknown past.
My powers are not like those of the Avengers, mine are much stronger! I can fly higher, further, and faster than anyone else. My bare hands have the power of many elements including fire, water, beams of ice, and wind. At the age of sixteen, I am learning how to control my powers.
Today I am getting ready for my first solo mission. All the Avengers are nervous because I do not have full control of my powers. They are all trying to convince me not to go, but I insist on going. I go to my huge room with its white walls, black floors, gray accents, and sparse décor, it reminds me of a black and white movie. I walk through the room and as I pass the furniture, I see all my photos of my family and me. I stopped and looked at them, a smile appears on my face.
When I finally reach my closet, I start to suite up. I start by putting on the underclothes armor. Then, I put on my uniform it is a black jumpsuit with fire red boots, gloves, and mask. On the chest of my jumpsuit lies my symbol, a gold circle with a phoenix in the center. I grab my communicator and leave my closet.
I start to walk to my bedroom door when something catches my eye. A red box that I keep my favorite picture in, the picture of my family and me on the day I was adopted, is out of place. I put it away and leave my room thinking nothing of the box being out of place. When I walk into the hall Steve is waiting for me. He tells me that everyone else is waiting in the kitchen to tell me good luck, with a tone in his voice I had not heard before.
When we enter the kitchen, I can see several of them were already teary eyed. I give everyone a hug and tell them I will come back in one piece, safe and sound. They all tell me good luck and then Wanda hands me my mission file.
My heart starts to pound when I take the file into my hand. I look at the name of the mission and I see the mission I never expected to see. My mission is "Finding Bucky: Location Wakanda." I stare at it for what seems to be lifetime but was it only a few minutes. I look at Steve and ask, "Why is he my mission?" He responds with, "Because I know you'll find him and bring him back, I won't be able to, not with all the problems it has caused me looking for him. I would stay there with him." Still worried about the fact I am doing this; I understand why he cannot do it himself. Rhodey breaks the silence and says, "Time for you to go Phoenix."
I say goodbye, with a mischievous grin and walk out the door. To get to Wakanda I run down the hall to the hanger and hop in the Avengjet. When I start her up, I could not help but get excited I had never piloted an aircraft alone before, never been to Wakanda before, and never been on a solo mission before. A lot of firsts today and it is well worth the wait.

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