The Mystery Begins

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Later that day, Nick and I were going into the city to get some school supplies for the next school year. After all that has happened this summer, I am ready to get back to a normal routine. Well as normal as it gets around here. When we get to the city we meet up with Peter Parker (he does not know that I know he is Spider-Man) and his friends Ned Leeds, Harry Osborn, and MJ Jones. We all head to Walmart and got what we needed then we all went out and got ice cream. While we were eating ice cream, I got an alert on my watch. I said, "I'm so sorry guys, but I have to go" and swiftly got up and left the table. I check my watch and see that Loki is attacking the city, again.

I find a place to change into my super suit and turn on my communicator and contactor the Avengers. I tell them that Loki is attacking again and that I am already on my way to meet him. Thor then says, "Do not fight him alone Bird of Fire. He is too dangerous." I reply, "Have I ever done anything so stupid?" Iron Man retorts, "You are 16, do you really need me to explain more?" I respond with "Leave my tattoo out of this." Then Steve Shouts, "WHAT TATTOO?" Natasha says, "Rodgers calm down. It is only a small one and no one can see it." Clint chimes in and says, "Am I the only one wondering what the tattoo is and where it is?" Thor asks every so calmly, "What is wrong with war art?" I say, "A tattoo is different than war art. A tattoo is a marking a person decides to get for no particular reason at all. In my case I was dared to get one by Harry Osborn. And to answer your questions Clint my tattoo is on the back of neck right by my hairline. It is of the Mockingjay symbol. It is not really a big deal. So, can we please move on." Steve then says, "I don't want you hanging out with this Osborn kid anymore."

Then suddenly Loki appears and grabs my wrist and says, "You're coming with me, you pathetic mortal." I then blast him with a bolt of lightning, give him this ticked off look, and say, "Don't mess with an Avenger, you idiot." Then I yell, "THOR, UNCLE LOKI IS TRYING TO KIDNAP ME." Suddenly Thor appears and says, "Brother let my daughter go this instant or I will release the rather of Asgaurd on you." Loki replies, "When did you have a daughter, brother?" Thor says, "Unless you want the rest the Avengers to be angry at you too, I suggest you let her go." Loki immediately releases me; I shock him again.

Just then something catches me eye and I take off running into the unknown. I realize I am chasing a person. I know I am making a risky decision by following them but if they need help, I must follow them. So, I continue to follow the person I recognize something about them. I realize they have that stance to them, and they are carrying a shield, at first, I think it is Captain America.

Then I realize it is not my father but some sort of clone or someone just copying him. Then he turns around and he has Black Widow's curly red hair and Captain America's blue eyes. I am lost in his eyes when he stops and waits for me, but instinctively I stop and put up my guard. That is when he does the most unexpected thing.

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