Strange Things Are Happening

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I immediately go outside and sit by the lake and start to think about how light Mjolnir was. I know I could have easily picked it up, but Thor is always so happy when he is still the only one who can pick up Mjolnir and I do not want to take that from him. I am deep in thought when someone touches my shoulder.
I turn around and see Nick looking back at me, he sits down next to me and asks me "Ro, why didn't you pick up Mjolnir? You could have easily lifted it." "I couldn't take his happiness away" I say to him. He looks at me and asks, "Why don't you just show him? I think he would be happy that his daughter can lift his hammer." I respond with "I don't know. Maybe because I'm already so strong." I pick up a rock and throw it at the target I had set up in the lake and hit it dead center. Nick, who cannot even give a decent high five, picks up a rock and hits the target dead center. I tell him to throw four more, when he does all four hit the target dead center. I grab his hand and drag him to the training room.
When we get there Clint and Natasha are having some sort of competition, so we try to slip past them unnoticed. Natasha, being the spy she is, notices us and calls us over. She says "Rosie, Nick come join us." We walk over and they hand Nick a training gun. He looks at me like he is trying to say, 'what do I do?' I ask, "What are we doing?" Clint says, "We are seeing who the better shooter is."
So, Nick steps up to the target and fires hitting it straight in the bullseye. Clint goes next misses by an inch. Natasha shoots right through Nicks bullet. That leaves me and I am not particularly good with a gun. So, I step up, square my feet off, hold both hands out, take a deep breath, and fire. The knock back from the gun makes me point it up at the last second, hitting the ceiling. Nick covers his mouth to stifle a giggle, Clint laughs like it was the funniest thing he has ever seen, and Natasha gives a little laugh.
I walk over to the training simulator and set it up for Nick so we can test what he can do. "Nick go ahead and go into the simulator room." I tell him more nervous now than before my parents saw him shoot. He steps in and picks up a different kind of training gun and starts shooting at the targets. I watch the counter on the screen to see how many bullseyes he is hitting.
By the time he is done he has hit every single one dead center all in one try. Clint goes into the room and says, "How did you go from missing high fives to hitting moving targets?" Nick answers, "I don't know it just happened. I was just as surprised as you were when I saw I could hit the targets." Clint replies, "Well from now on I'm going to call you Shooter."

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