Dark Shield

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I stand there in shock as he makes his move. He throughs his shield down and puts his hands up in the air then he gets on his knees and in a voice like Steve’s says, “I surrender. Take me in. I just need your help.” It was that moment I knew I made the right choice. He needs my help and that is what I am going to give him.

I pick up his shield and put him in cuffs, because of protocol, and take him back to meet Steve. Natasha and a man I vaguely remember are talking with him, so I stand back a bit. Natasha sees me and my capture and walks over to join us. She asks “What do we have here Phoenix? Who is this?” I realize I never got his name I say, “He surrendered to me. He says he needs help. I couldn’t deny him my help so I’m going to help him.” He says, “My name is Dark shield. I work for HYDRA. They are now threating my sister’s life. Please help me save her. She is the only family I have.”

Natasha sighs and says, “Fine. We will help but afterwards you no longer work for Hydra. You work for us, along with your sister.” He looks at her surprised and says, “Thank you. You just saved us both.” Steve then walks over with the strange man. Now I see that the man has an eyepatch and scars peeking out from behind it. He looks at me and says, “Wow. Roseabella you have grown a lot since I last saw you.” I look at him then at my parents with a look asking if I am supposed to know the guy. They laugh and Steve says, “Roseabella this is Nick Fury. He brought you to us. Because of him we now have you.”

I look at him in disbelief. Then I run up to Mr. Fury and give him a hug. I say, “Thank you Mr. Fury for bringing me to my family. Sorry I didn’t recognize you.” He returns the hug and just smiles. Just then Steve realizes that we have someone else with us. Steve points at Dark Shield and says, “Who are you and why are you in handcuffs?” When he said that I immediately take his cuffs off. I then say, “Dad this is Dark Shield he worked for Hydra and now he works for us. He made the switch so we can help him save his sister.”

Steve looks at me, pulls me to him, and says, “How can you trust him?” I say in return, “He came to me for help and I’m going to help him.” Then Loki pops up and both Dark Shield and I step to one side of him and grab one of his arms. We get him into handcuffs and for fun I knock to the ground (what we all know he had it coming). We take him and Dark Shield to the compound, while Thor and Hulk are locking Loki up, I show Dark Shield to his new room. On our way there he says, “I did not know if I could trust you before but, you showed me I can. My real name is Nathaniel.” I look at him kind of surprised then say, “Well Nate, this is my room and right across the hall is yours.” He smiles at me and opens his door, then he turns to me and says, “I’ll see you at dinner Roseabella.” “Rosie” I correct him. He smiles and says, “Rosie.”

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