Chapter 1

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"(Y/N)!" Your eyes opened as you heard your name. "(Y/N) Wake up, we are going to be late for our trip to the woods." 'Man, that's today isn't' you thought to yourself as you get up from the warm bed. "I'm up Catherine." You said yelling to your cousin. "Ok, remember to wear a coat, we don't want you to freeze like last time I took you out." Catherine yelled back reminding you of the time last week when you had dressed in a tank top, you hand to bye a coat at the Wallmart you had went to. You then got your self to the closet. 'What to wear?' You said looking at your closet, you then proceeded to flip threw your shirts and pants. You didn't have a lot of sweat shirts. The reason for the lacking wardrobe, is because you had just recently moved to Canada with your cousin. The reason is you are living with your cousin is because your mom died in car accident about 7 months ago, your father left before you were born, and is probably dead. Your cousin did things like this to "bond with you" you knew she meant well. You then grabbed a sweatshirt with a UFO on it, then grabbed an random pair of jeans. You then pulled on the clothes, then brushed you (h/c) hair and put on a white and green spotted beanie, you had bought at a trip at mall a couple of weeks ago. "I'm ready Catherine." You said running down the stairs down into the kitchen. "Glad you could finally come down, kiddo." She said patting your beanie. "Hey, I just put that on" you said a justing Her hat. Catherine just laughed. Then you heard the toaster pop up. "Waffles are ready." Your cousin said as she ran over to the toaster. "I made one normal waffle, and another one that's blueberry." She said putting the plate down. "I want blueberry." You then grabbed the blueberry waffle, and gobbled it down. "Of course you blueberry waffle girl." She said with an eye rolled. "Sorry, not my fault blueberry waffles are so good." After, your cousin finished her waffle she smiled. "Now, are you ready to go to the forest." You pumped your fist up. "Yes." "That's the sprite." Catherine said patting your back. She then took you to the car. When I got in the car, Catherine looked at with a smile. "So what do you think we will see in the forest." You said as Catherine started driving the car. "Maybe a Bigfoot." She said, teasing that you liked stuff like that. You laughed any way. "Or maybe an alien." You said, getting a laugh out of Catherine. After you guys had some useless small talk, you finally arrived at a small visitor center's parking lot. "I'm going to leaven the food in here, so we don't get attacked by bears or something." She said getting out of the car, so did you. "That's fine" you said with a shrugged. You and Catherine walked for a while, you guys saw some tree but nothing interesting. Catherine's stomach growled. "Sorry, I'm going to get our food, stay here kid ok." Catherine than, ran off. 'Great, alone in the woods.' You thought to yourself. After about five minutes, you saw what seemed like a shooting star, but it was getting close you then saw it falling down somewhere near with you. You get a glimpse of it before it fell, it look green, but you could of sworn you saw someone in it. You wanted to go see it. 'Catherine will probably come over there, I mean wouldn't.' You ran over to where you saw smoke. When you finally got there you saw there was a huge circular in the trees. You looked down as you, saw a circle made out of ashes, in the center you saw a triangular green rock thing, it had a huge crack on it. 'It's a pretty rock, no one will notice.' You said as you picked up the rock, as you put the rock into a pocket. Just as took a step back, some more people came to view the scene. You then went into the crowd. "(Y/N), you here." You heard Catherine yell. "I'm here" you said going to her. "I knew you would be here." She said with a laugh. "So did you find anything aliens." She said with a laugh. "Nope." You said returning a laugh. "well they are closing down forest." Catherine said. "How do you close down a forest, are they going to run the birds out." I said laughing, Then Catherine laughed too. "Not like that, the police are coming to see if it's a bomb." We then came back to her house. You then went up to my room, and took out the rock. You then took your laptop out, you then got on tumblr, when you refreshed your dashboard you saw a gif that was a cartoon hand removing the center of the earth then pushing it away to be a star, or what the person who made it said. You went on the blog, called keep beach city weird. You scrolled down you then saw a pic of the hand in the sky, you took the rock from off the desk the scratch seemed smaller, but it didn't really matter. "Hey that hand is the same color as you." You said showing the rock the picture. The rock seemed to glow for a second. 'Must be the lighting.' You thought to yourself. You then went threw your dashboard rebloging and liking. Until about 12, tomorrow was Sunday so it didn't matter and you were being home schooled by and Internet program, so getting up early didn't matter. You then fell asleep. When you woke up you saw a round ball with legs, you let out a small scream. Then some green floating ing figures covered your mouth.

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