Chapter 6

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You took a deep breath and opened the door. "(Y/N) you're home." Your cousin said putting down her laptop and looking at you. "Hey, Cathrine, I hope you don't mind I brought Peri over here." You said as you brought 'peri' in the house, closing the door. "Really, nice to meet you." She said running over to her shaking peridot's hand, then freezing up as if something awful happened. "You're hand, um (Y/N) why doesn't your friend have her finger connected to her hands." She said peridot looked at her. "Well, Cathrine the reason is.." You said nervously, you realized you didn't thin about that. "These are artificial my real hands are how you say no more." Peridot said not seeming to be bothered by the question. Catherine let go of Peridot's hand looking at you. "Um well why don't we play some video games." You said trying to keep Catherine from saying anything that would make Peridot mad. "Yes, you girls should go have some fun, I think we have a Call of duty, but you can't play online, I don't use it so, so I didn't renew my Xbox live account." Cathrine said as if it was the worst thing ever as you and the other two walked into the living room. Peridot didn't seem to care about what she said. "I think we can survive." You said smiling. "Ok, I'll just play on my laptop in my room. If you need anything just stand in the door way, because we are streaming our game tonight, to get more money on our kick starter." She said grabbing her laptop, running into her room. "What is she kicking to start? And what's online, and a call of duty, are we going into war?" She said confused. You laughs. "No, no, kick starter is a website, that people who need money to make something use, online is the internet you aren't ready for that yet,mand I can show you what Call of Duty is." You said pointing the couch, getting Call of duty black cops out, and putting it into the X-box. "I hope if you don't mind if I stink, this is really Cathrine's game not mine." You said as you started up the x-box and sat next to peridot handing her a controller. Well, I have never done this before so you should be warn if I lack skills." She said as she took the controller, you selected the game and started it up. "Push the button with the weird X on it, it'll turn on your controller." You said, as she pushed the button. "It's supposed to be glowing like this, right." She said unsure. "Yes." You said smiling. "Now, how will this get me to the place my ship is?" She said, you sighed you kinda wished she wouldn't bring that up now. "In good time, you'll probably have to hang out with me, a lot before Cathrine would think about letting you go on vacation with us, It probably won't be as long as normal parents." You said selecting the zombies multiplayer. "Now are ready to rekt some zombies." You said trying to sound way more MLG then you were. "Yes I believe I may be ready to destroy these, zombies." She said beginning to swing her remote it the air. "Now, where is the location of these zombies." She said looking around, 'she doesn't get, I was talking about the video game.' You looked at her shaking your head. "On the screen." You said pointing on at the screen. "It's a video game." You said as the game began to start. "Oh, it is a simulation." She said as she held her controller like you were, except her fingers were just floating over the buttons and not having them on the buttons like yourself. "Now, I will teach you the basics of the.." You stopped mind sentence as you saw peridot's character was already shooting a bunch of zombies. "This is too easy." She said, as she looked at you. "But this is round one, of course it is, now follow me you probably will need more ammo." You said moving your character up the stairs, peridot's following right behind yours, coming into a room. "Here get some ammo." You said, not getting an answer from her, the character taking the ammo and began to fire at zombies, like she had played the game thousands of times before. You looked at her, seeing a small smile on her face, you smiled back at her. She frowned when she was you were smiling at you. You then saw your character had died, peridot's character was in another part of the house. Her character then ran to were your character had died, and began to shoot all the zombies. "GET, REKT YOU STUPID ZOMBIES." She yelled as you looked at her figures hitting the buttons rapidly, and killing them all. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR KILLING (Y/N)." She said yelling in victory, you padded her shoulder. "I'm back." You said as your character was revived as the new round started. "Well let's kill these zombies." Peridot's said shooting the zombies, and you trying to find some ammo. This is how the game played out, until you both died. "Stupid dogs." She said throwing the controller on the couch. "You want to watch a move?" You asked, "a movie??" She said raising her eye brows. "It's like a video game, except you just watch it and relax." You said smiling. "I guess." She said shrugging, you took her hand and began to go threw your huge dvd collection.

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