Chapter 5

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Peridot rolled her eyes. "Is that really the first part of your great plan, is making me look like a human." Her voice in the cold mocking tone. You just smiled. "Yes, that is this first part of the greatest plan known to all human and whatever the heck you are kind." You said grabbing her should, with on arm, then moving your arm in a rainbow motion. She then face palmed, then took her hand off her face. "I told you I'm a gem, and if your plan is so great how about you tell me is so great tell me more about the details." She said removing your hand from her shoulder. You didn't really mind you know how people, or aliens can be about their personal space, you than put your hands on your hips, making a hero pose. "Of course you want the details of my great plan, I'll call this first part of my plan making Peri look..." You were about to say hot, but you were cut off by the other being in the room. "My name is peridot not peri, I was not aware your ears were broken." She said a little angrily. You rolled your eyes this time. "No, I just wanted to give you a nickname, cuz we're best friends." You said hugging her, she then pushed you off with her floating fingers. "Stop touching me, let's just do your stupid plan so I can leave this place faster." She said walking to your door. "We've been over this, you can't just go outside, looking like an alien. That's why I'm getting you clothes. Unless you can turn invisible or something." You said getting Peridot to turn back to you. "Fine, I could go back into my gem, but if you hurt me. I will make sure when I find Jasper.." She stopped, making the face like she said some she shouldn't. You began to get confused. "Who's Jasper, is he your boyfriend." You said putting your hands together and smiling, peridot glared at you. "No, SHE'S my ESCORT." Peridot said looking like she could kill you, it caught you off guard making you swallow hard. "Sorry, can we just go the place I want to take you to, closes at 9, I know that's a while from know but all the cashiers are lazy." You said not wanting to make her any angrier. Peridot just nodded. 'Does she even know what time is.' You thought remembering she wasn't human. "Now transform, into super peridot rock form." You said flexing the few muscles you have, getting a sigh out of peridot. "Fine." She then tapped the gem on her head, Then turning into the gem dropping on the floor. You picked it up. "Let's go on, our adventure." You said going down stairs walking towards the front door, you look at Cathrine. "Hey, I'm going out." You yelled, as you walked out. All she did was nod, she was to busy playing her game to do anything else.

[time skip sponsored by birb mom]

You walked to the front of the store, the words the awesome store on a white banner. "Here we are." You said whispering to the stone getting a glow out of it. You walked in it was very opened, but it had the weird old thrift shop smell. As you looked as you walked in grabbing a cart, you saw some employees near the cash register talking, there were 2 families and both looking at clothes there a couple of adults maybe 3, all or them looking at clothes, and 2 teens messing in toys one was ridding a small house, the other singing into a microphone singing the duck song. You rolled your eyes at the teens as you went into the jacket area, since no one was there. You looked until you found a thin green flannel, you held it up to the gem. "Give me one glow if you like it, two if you don't, three if it's a maybe." You whispered to the gem, making sure no one was listening. The gem did nothing for a second, it then glowed three times, you then put the jacket in your cart. You then walked into the shirts, you went threw a bunch of shirts all green a couple white, all getting nothing but 2, meaning no. You sighed. You ran your hand threw the shirts until something grabbed your attention, it was a black shirt with the Doritos logo on it. You looked the stone didn't do anything, it then gave one flash. "Good, glad we found something. Now to get you some shoes and pants." You whispering again putting the clothing in the cart walking to the pants. You were only in the pants area for about 2 minutes. She said yes to the first pants a pair of skinny jeans, but one of the families came into the isle making you have to go out the long way. You then went into the shoe area, you picked out a pair of white high heel getting two flashes. You tired some green sneakers, another no. You then picked up black boots with green shoe strings, you got one flash from the gem. "Ok, now you need to try them on." You said carrying the stone and the clothes into the dressing room, it was set up like normal ones you would see at a clothing store but smaller, it had 3 changing stalls, and had a single mirror on the right of the wall, the mirror had many words on it, many you would be grounded for saying there was also a return rack that had some many clothes on it, it could be its own store. "Here, change into the awesome clothes I got you." You said laying her gem in the last stall and rolled the cart with the the clothes in as well. You looked there the clothes, you found a green head band you grabbed it, after this, you walked outside the changing room, just looking, when you saw thin metal round glasses. You grabbed them going back to changing room. "(Y/N)." You heard a yell. "Yes." You said trying to keep your voice down. "These pants are trying to kill me. They are trying to eat my legs." Peridot yelled, you sighed "I take it they don't have skinny jeans on your planet." You said walking to her stall. "So this evil killing machine is called skinny jeans, I will need to keep this in mind." As she said this you let a chuckle out of your mouth. "What why are you laughing, take these evil things away from me." She said throwing the skinny jeans at you them landing on your head. "Help they are attacking me." You said sarcastically. "See it's not so funny when they are attacking you." She said, actually taking what you said seriously. "Oh, you have a lot to learn. I'm going to get you another pair of pants. Stay in there, also try these on." You said handing her here the glasses and head band then walking back into the pants section. You looked taking your time until you found some baggy pants. You walked back, when you came in you froze. The two girls from earlier were in their. "Dude, how do I look." One said wearing a very tacky jacket. "You look wonderful a billion out of five." The other said in a French accent. The one in the tacky jacket looked at you. "Oh hey is your friend in here." She said in an almost nervous tones pointing into the stall peridot was in before you left, You swallowed. "Y-yes why." You said about to die, did they see her. The two girls look at each other like they both were about to tell you something awful. The one who had been speaking in the fake French accent spoke up. "My friend and I came in with our air horn, we didn't know anyone was in here, and my friend blasted it, and your friend screamed and we heard something hit the floor and." The girl was cut off by the other one. "We might have just murdered your friend, we didn't mean too, please." The two girls looked like they were about to cry. "I don't thing you killed her, but you to might want to leave if she is we don't want you two being fought by the police." You said very relaxed, 'poor kids, it's nice they stayed to tell me.' The two girls looked relived as well. "Ok dude." They both said. "Jinx you owe me a soda." The one in the jacket said taking it off. "Jinx back.." The other said as they left the room. You knocked on the door. "Peridot I brought you the pants." You said sliding them under the door. You looked to see she had just sent herself back into her rock form. "The girls are gone." You said getting up then hearing her get out of the gem. "Those evil human with the weapon are gone right?" She sounded unsure, even though you told her. "They're gone, and it was an airhorn, it's not a weapon it annoying, but not a weapon. Now put the pants on." You said getting mumbling out of her. You knocked on the door after about 5 minutes. "You ready?" You ask. She then opened the door, your mouth fell open all you could say was. "Wow." She had the green flannel jacket over the dorrito shirt, the jeans went over the boots. The head band actual showed that the weird thing on her head was hair and the glasses hid the visor. "Do I look human." She said not playing attention to you opened mouth. You closed it. "Yes, now let's go, I could tell my cousin I ran into you and you could sleep over." You said. She nodded. "Now I need the clothes back, now just go back in the stall." You said, Peridot scoffed and turned into her gem leaving the clothes on the ground. You took her and the clothes and played for them.

[time skip sponsored by cookie cat, it's a pet for your tummy]

You had got Peridot to dress back in another store. You and peridot were walking to your house going over what to do in front of Cathrine. "If she asks about the skin." You said reviewing again. "It's this new makeup trend." She said nodding. "Jewel." You said, "another trend." She said pointing to it. "Where are you from?" You said smiling at how she was already doing so well. "Beach city, I would love to go back there." She said with a smile, that didn't seem right, you shrugged it off. "Here we are Peri." You said opening the door.

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