Chapter 7

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You walked over to the DVD case, with peridot following behind you. You opened the case showing what seemed like hundreds of DVD cases. "So what should we watch, hmm." You said going threw a bunch of DVDs most of being lame monster films, that your cousin had collected. "Will any of the movies be like the zombie shooting thing?" She said tilting her head. "No, how about we watch something not about killing zombies." You said not wanting Peridot to thing that humans just killed zombies, you tired looking for something kinda peaceful, that would still keep her attention, you then found the Disney movies. "Let's see." You then saw peridot was watching your hands going threw the DVDs, and nodding in approval, as if she was judging you, which wouldn't surprise you if she was. When began to scan the Disney movies, you had ordered them from newest to oldest. 'She probably wouldn't like any Disney princess movies, maybe she would like Mulan, but maybe she wouldn't like the singing.' You looked at the movies still under the close watch of your alien guest, you look at big hero six, 'no, I'll probably be all like that wasn't in the comic, like last time I watched it.' Your eyes then went to your copy of the movie Wreck it Ralph, you picked it up. 'She might like this it is about video games, and I can teach her about gaming culture, and the story is really good.' You then turned to Peridot. "Have you decided what 'movie' we will be viewing?" She said a bit inpatiently. "Yes, and it is about video games" you said doing a jazz hand with one hand because the other was holding the movie you would be viewing. "That sounds that it could be amusing." She said going to the couch and sitting down, as she did this you put the movie in your Xbox, as you did this you could have sworn you had seen a little smile on her face. "Wait so the machine can play video games, and let us watch the movie, I'm impressed maybe your earth technology isn't as undeveloped, as I thought." She said a little shocked. "This isn't nothing I need to show you my computer and the internet, I'm going get some pop corn want to come." You said getting up all of the suddenly wanting to stuff your face full of the heaven full known as pop corn. "Pop corn?" Your green alien guest asked tilting her head. "You don't know what pop corn is you poor poor soul, Don't worry as you expert on earth stuff you will know what pop corn is tonight, and you will love it, that is the (Y/N) promise." You said jerking up Peridot and dragging her to the room of food, or as normal people call it the kitchen. "Welcome to the place of wonders the place called kitchen." You said letting go of a confused Peridot and getting a bag popcorn. "(Y/N) is popcorn something you eat." She said sounding a bit shocked from the dragging she just went threw from you. "Yes it is, why is there a problem with that." You said starting the microwave and placing the popcorn in there. "Well, gems don't need to eat." She said about to walk out of the room. "If you don't try it, no getting your ship back for you." You said putting your poker face on. "Fine I will." She said coming back defeated by your smartness. The first pop came from the popcorn. "What was that is this popcorn going to explode." She said a but nervously. "No, it's the popcorn becoming awesome, silly Peridot-chan." You said being a little silly and laughing, "Chan.... (Y/N) is that an earth insult." She said sounding offended. "No, it's a Japanese thing you do to show that someone is your friend I'm sorry I won't do it again." You said frowning. "I don't care you can call me that, but don't go over bored with putti human stuff near my name." She said with a sigh. "I promise Peridot-chan." You said taking your hand and making an x motion over your heart. "What the heck does that mean." Peridot said unsure again about what you were doing. "I was crossing my heart it means if I don't keep it my heart will explode into a million pieces or something." The room now smelled like popcorn as the microwave time went off, you ran to it and got the popcorn out, and opened the bag almost burning your fingers, and took a hand full out and shoved it in your mouth, Peridot stood there captives by your eating of popcorn. "You want some." You said almost spitting all over Peridot. "Yes please." You moved the bag towards here. She then put her hand in, then you remembered something her fingers aren't connected to her hands, she pulled out a stub and no fingers. "THE POPCORN ATE MY FINGERS!" She yelled waving the stub in your face, you the stuck your hand in the popcorn you found her fingers having seizures, you pulled them out and handed them to peridot, they then floated into their positions. "How about you eat it one piece at a time like this." You said getting a piece in between two of your fingers." She slowly nodded and did the same thing, you then took her to the living room it took you a while because Peridot kept trying to eat some. You sat down and let her sit next to you you placed the bag next between the both of you, then you turned the TV on, and choosing the movie on the menu screen.

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Peridot loved the movie, you are about a 100% that she has never seen 3d animation like that before, she also loved each reference you explained. The popcorn also had been eaten mostly by Peridot. "(Y/N)" she said softly. "Yes, Peridot." You said smiling, at the fact you may have found a new movie buddy. "In the end when this two characters kissed hearts came out of no where, does that happen when you find your like true love here on earth." She said this turning away from you having a slight blush on cheeks. "No, that's a reference to how characters in older games would kiss and some hearts would show up to show that they were kissing because they didn't have they didn't have the graphics to make it look like they were." You then stood up and turnd the TV off. "So are you ready to see the greatest thing made by humans the computer." You said taking her hand and helping her up. "Yes I would like to see your greatest invention." You smiled. "Let's go" you said taking her into your room.

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