Chapter Twenty-Four: Spirit of the Season

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Spirit of the Season

The next few days passed in a breeze: Adrian found the time to show me around Chicago and introduce me to many of the people in his pack, while at the same time, I finally began to feel at home.

Since the night he had marked me, a new relationship had formed between us. I felt a fire ignite within me at the thought of him, but more than that, I felt the power of our bond growing with each moment we spent together. He was loyal, and wonderful, and my main confident since I had finally told him all about myself and my past. He knew where I came from, knew what I needed to survive, and, seemingly the most important to him, he knew what that violet tint in my eyes meant.

Before I knew it, three weeks had gone by without a catch. That fact alone should have put me on guard, but the feelings of belonging and developing romance were consuming and encompassing; I didn't realize quite how amazing things were until they weren't amazing at all.


"You've done quite a number on him."

I laughed at Emily's comment and turned to face her. "You really think so?"

She straightened her leather jacket over her holiday-red shirt and grinned. I internally noted the irony of her wearing the unnecessary layers, even in the exceptionally cold, Christmas weather.

"He's got that shine in his eyes that he never had before. He's more devoted to both you and his pack, and I think it even helps him with his Alpha decisions, which is a concept beyond me."

I paused in taking a sip of coffee, taking in what she said. "Alpha decisions?"

"Oh, I guess it's not appropriate to call them Alpha decisions, since as far as Adrian is concerned, he's not an Alpha. Our pack is a bit less 'traditional,' I guess, than others you've probably heard of. I'm sure you heard the story about Gerald Trailmagne a few years back?"

I thought over it, remembering the way Adrian had spoken about him. Pieces were starting to click together in my head. "I know that Trailmagne lost his position as Alpha, but that's as much as I've heard."

She nodded. "He did lose it, but it's more than that. Adrian was seconds away from killing him when he stopped, but he still won't tell me why. He claims it's because he wanted Gerald to suffer more than just a quick death; I think it's more than that."

Matthew suddenly raced into the room like a tiny bullet, blurring through the air at a speed far too fast for a normal child of his age. I smiled at him as he came to a stop at his mother's side, eyes already set on her with a pleading look.

"Mommy, can I have a piece of the cake Mrs. Palmer brought?"

Emily's eyes narrowed playfully. "Matt, you never call me Mommy unless your dad already said no."

He appeared as if he didn't know what to do after she had called him out. "Please?" he insisted.

"Whatever your dad said stands. Go outside to play, Matt, it's a gorgeous day," she said, then rubbed his back and sent him off. He went off with a half-frown hidden behind a smile, and I laughed quietly.

Emily sighed, standing as the sound of a timer in the kitchen echoed into the room. "As I said, you've done good things for him. I hope you stay around, Sophie. He needs it."

She walked in the direction of the kitchen, leaving me with my thoughts. The idea of staying here, with him, forever had drifted into my mind countless times. I wanted it, more than anything.

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