Chapter Twenty-One: Shattered

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Chapter Twenty-One: Shattered

He looked in the window, eyes intent on the brunette lounging on the long end of the sectional leather sofa. A glass of water sat beside her on the mahogany coffee table, but she paid no attention to it, instead focusing on the white phone in her hand.

He smiled as the frown flickered across her face as she recognized the number. The grin widened when her eyes grew and her mouth, rimmed by those gorgeous lips he used to own, fell in surprise. Though the phone was not pressed to her ear, he had no doubt she could hear the voice mail clearly with her enhanced senses. Once the object of his horror, they were a thing that now intrigued him, made him want her more than he had when he'd been so petty and mortal. She was a perfect supernatural mate, with those somber eyes and fiery passion, something he had not realized was so easily within his reach.

All he had to do now was take her.


I let the phone fall into my lap as Adrian entered the room.

"Hey," I smiled softly, trying to keep my face from showing anything.

Setting the water bottle on the coffee table, he fell into place next to me on the sofa. His arm automatically wrapped over my shoulders, and my head lay back against the tight muscles of his bicep. I closed my eyes, fighting the warring thoughts in my mind.

Of course, I would tell him about the voice mail. He had the right to know, and, more than that, he was possibly in the line of fire of a considerably psychotic stalker. I shivered at the thought of him being caught anywhere near Will.

"Did you want to do something tomorrow?" he asked suddenly. I looked at him, curious by the sudden question. He continued, "I've kept you here for almost three days. I don't want you to feel locked in this house when I can bring you out into the city to see everything, since I..."

"Since you...?"

He thought for a moment. "Since I hope you intend to stay."

I sucked in a breath silently. I had not thought that far ahead, but now as he mentioned it, I had no plans to ever leave. But what really struck me was the fact that he hadn't mentioned anything about mates; of that I was exceptionally curious, because he was asking me to stay but had not told me the real reason he wanted me to. He was giving me the choice to stay with him or to go on, and it couldn't have meant more to me.

My decision already made, I rose to my knees and moved closer to him, letting my head fall close to his. He collected my hair in his hand as he gazed up at me with dark eyes, and I saw a flash of the animal within when I finally leaned forward and met his lips with my own. He was not the type to be rough, but this time was different, in a way that I couldn't resist. With the grip he already had on my hair, he leaned my head back, maneuvering until I lay on the leather cushions below him. I felt his mouth move along my skin, soft lips touching my neck. The moan that escaped me when he let his tongue brush my throat was almost too quiet to be heard. I knew he had when the first sharp prick of his canines against my skin made me shiver. He murmured my name, and I felt the next touch with more pressure--.

The window behind my head shattered. Shards of glass rained down on my exposed face before I could jump away, and a furious growl was the last sound I heard before Adrian shifted and launched himself through the window.

"Adrian!" I quickly jumped to my feet and started after him, moving supernaturally quickly as I felt recognition fill my senses. The tangy musk was in the air, and Will had always had a proclivity for breaking things when he was angry.

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