Chapter Twenty-Two: Inquisition

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Inquisition

The next morning passed in a breeze, but not in the way I would have hoped.

From the moment I heard Adrian standing from the bed next to me, I had no chance of falling back asleep. Hardly an hour later, cars carrying loads of people began to appear and park in the immense amount of land surrounding Adrian's home, and as his house filled with people I had never seen before, I felt more and more antsy whenever I caught the eye of a stranger. Despite my best attempts to stay out of the way, people seemed to gravitate to the spot in which I was hidden, striking up conversations that seemed to take all of the energy out of my body. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous -- new people had never bothered me before, but I left the blame to the new city and my lack of knowledge as to why they were here in the first place.

"So how has Chicago been treating you, Sophie?" a short woman with large blue eyes asked me. Perhaps in her mid-forties, she was loud and welcoming with her bright personality, and I found myself taking to her instantly when she had begun talking to me a few minutes before.

Smiling, I screwed the cap back onto the water bottle in my hand. "It's been really nice so far. I love all of the trees and the open space; it's so different from Chalance."

"Are you from Chalance originally?" 

No. I'm from the ocean, originally, but I don't think that's the answer you're looking for. "I'm from Portland -- the one in Maine, not Oregon."

She looked surprised. "What made you move so far to such a small town? That's a big change."

When I hesitated slightly, she said, "Forgive me, I don't mean to pry."

I recalled sitting on the dusty gym floor with Adrian and smiled at the memory. "No, no, it's perfectly okay. I just thought a change of scenery would be nice. And it's a bit cold in Portland, too."

She returned my smile, probably relieved I had not been offended by her questions. "I won't deny that. I visited Maine once. Lovely state, just a bit chilly for my tastes. How do you like living in Chicago compared to Maine?"

I answered quickly this time. "It's wonderful, I just wish I could see more of it."

"Adrian hasn't shown you around?"

"He hasn't had much time to, with all the unpacking and settling in again," I drifted off, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. I was not sure if she knew the actual reason I was here. "But he promised he would show me around as soon as we can get to it."

Her lips twisted into a semi-grin, and she chuckled. "He'd better. It's a great city. I'm sure you'll love it enough to stay." The hint was clear in her voice, and she looked directly into my eyes and smiled. "I'm Adrian and Emily's mother, by the way. You can call me Alaina."

I felt my lips part in surprise. This was Adrian's mother? I opened my mouth to speak, but the words seemed caught in my throat. "I..."

Alaina laughed. "I can tell you're surprised. I know I should have mentioned that before, but I wanted to meet the mysterious woman living with my son before she knew who I was."

I could see the question in her eyes. She thought I was his mate, but she had no real way of finding out without prying. I wondered if she wanted Adrian to tell her himself. 

"That makes sense," I finally replied. 

"Well," she said, "I'd better go help out. I hope you have a nice morning, and remember to remind my son to take you out to the city. I hope you'll stay around a while to enjoy it."

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