Chapter Twenty-Five: Lured To Death

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Lured To Death

"May I ask what business you have with her?"

Adrian's arms enveloped my waist as he stood from the sofa. His wine joined mine on the side table, and he led me towards the front door with his right arm still around me. 

The same voice answered Alaina's suspicious question. "We have some questions for Ms. Thwaite regarding some interesting information we've received."

His voice was sickeningly excited, and I nearly gagged. Adrian pushed me slightly behind his body as he approached the door to stand beside his mother.

"You make these kinds of house calls on Christmas Day?" Alaina tested.

The man's eyes lit up. "Oh, believe me, ma'am. If this is what we think it is, it'll be better than Christmas."

 My nails dug harshly into Adrian's arm, unintentionally, but he didn't react. The two men behind the first seemed uncomfortable under his stare, but the speaker continued without a hitch. 

"What a dreary day," he proclaimed. "Why don't we head to your backyard for a moment? We wouldn't want to bring dirt and snow into your lovely home."

Already, I did not trust this man. I stuck by Adrian's side as he directed them around the house. We turned and walked through to the backyard, and I heard Adrian's voice whisper in my ear. "Don't worry. You're going to be fine."

"It's Will, Adrian."

His eyes narrowed. "That man is Will?"

I shook my head. "No, but he has something to do with this."

He gritted his teeth and locked his jaw, and he didn't speak for a few moments. Most of the family gathered outside, the men seeming suddenly much more formidable than before. A few of the children had remained inside, but I saw Matt standing next to Patrick by the pond.

"It won't work," Adrian muttered, so only I could hear.

Before I could respond, the second, shortest man spoke up. "Let's get down to it then so you can get back to your holiday. My name is Henry Donley, and these are my colleagues, Tim Riley and Jonathan Sprigs. We're here on behalf of the UMaine biology department."

Jonathan Sprigs, who had been the first to speak at the door, added, "We're heard concerns from a phone call reporting there to be a 'supernatural creature' residing in this home. Now, I must ask, which of you is Sophie Thwaite?"

Adrian's right hand tightened around my left wrist, but I didn't pay attention to it. Keeping information from them would only make me appear more suspicious than I already did. I stepped forward until his arm locked me in place at his side. "I am."

The answering grin that spread across Jonathan's face was alarming, but I kept my face passive. "Ms. Thwaite, I must say that you are quite beau-."

Alaina cut in with a harsh, protective statement. "Mr. Sprigs, it's Christmas Day. If you intend to get any information from this visit, I suggest you not waste any time complimenting my daughter-in-law."

I saw Jonathan's eyes dart down to my left hand, where he noted the lack of a wedding ring. Adrian must have noticed it as well, because a second later, his hand took mine defensively.

"My apologies, miss," Henry Donley spoke up. "We would like to ask Ms. Thwaite a few unintrusive questions, in private. It won't take long."

Visions of Jonathan Sprigs cornering me, alone, and submerging me in water played in my head. I doubted there would be many 'questions' in this interview.

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