Chapter Eleven: New Heights

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Chapter Eleven: New Heights

"... leaving the Romans with only a meager--."

The loud tolling of the Grandfather clock in the Main Hall interrupted Professor Richards' monologue. Grunts of relief left the students around me as they stood in a rush, quickly trying to escape the Early European History auditorium before the Professor could say any more.

I idled for a moment, checking my white tote for all my belongings, before I stood and slid out of the row I had been seated in. It was a blissfully sunny day, which I praised Mother Nature for, and I was finished for the day at the University. As I exited through the wooden double doors, I saw a familiar face darting through the crowd toward me.

"Hey, Sophie!" Mia greeted, sliding into step beside me.

I offered a smile and said, "Hey, Mia. How are you?"

"I'm well, thank you," she said, before immediately launching into her next question. "We're going to see Roxanne today. I was wondering... if you'd like to come? I know you don't know her very well and st--."

"I'd love to," I interjected, and she smiled, thankful to be saved from rambling. "I've been meaning to ask how she is, ever since-- well, you know."

Mia nodded quickly.

"When are you going?"

She paused as we passed a small coffee shop near the parking lot. "Well, Corinna and Emily visited her yesterday, and I was planning on going around five with Avery. We could pick you up, if you need."

"No, I can drive there. Which hospital is it?" I asked.

"The Dock Parish hospital. If you have trouble finding it, just call us and we'll help you get there." She paused, as if thinking about something. "Sophie, I have to ask, did you see what happened to her? The things she said just seem so... impossible."

I shook my head quietly as the memories came back. Those men-- those creatures-- had starred in quite a few nightmares lately. The marks were still prominent on my skin beneath the fabric bracelet I had adorned for the past few days. Along with the strange wolf that had saved us from them, the memories revisited me vividly every night. "I was looking for her, but I didn't find her."

I so badly wanted to tell her the truth, because keeping up with lies was starting to weigh on me. But, if I told her, I would have to explain how I had gotten away with barely a single scratch, considering all of my open wounds had closed almost immediately after the fight.

"I wish we could just find out who did this to her. They deserve to go to jail," Mia said passionately. I could see how much her friend's near-death experience was haunting her.

Surprising both her and myself, I reached out and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her comfortingly. She hugged me back immediately, and I felt our friendship growing through this experience-- no matter how horrible it was.

I pulled back somewhat awkwardly, saying, "I'll see you guys at five, okay?"

She nodded with a small grin. "See you, Soph."

I rolled the nickname over in my head before smiling and waving to her as I started walking to my car. As I approached the parking lot and gazed around for it, I suddenly cursed out loud. I had forgotten that Adrian had brought me to the campus this morning, and now, I was uncertain of where he was. Of course, thinking of him brought a shiver through me, and I momentarily forgot my predicament as I turned and scanned the sunny commons area for him.

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