Chapter Fourteen: Flight Plan

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Chapter Fourteen: Flight Plan


Emily stood at the door to the master bedroom. It was a large and beautiful space, but I hadn't realized before now how empty and hotel-like it really was. She began to walk, twisting her hands as she entered the room.

It was silent for a few moments, while I continued to half-consciously organize my belongings.

"Sophie," she repeated. "Are you alright? I know this must be overwhelming for you."

I wasn't sure, but I nodded anyway. "I'll be fine. Thank you for asking."

She still seemed uncomfortable, and, when she spoke, her voice was hesitant. "It may not make much sense to you now, why he would do this. But we protect our family, Adrian most of all. You may not understand things now, but you will. I know you will."

I nodded again. On the inside, I was heavily anticipating that moment where my mind would become clear.

"Thank you, Emily," I said, unsure of what else to do. "When... when will we be leaving?"

A new voice entered the room. "In twenty minutes."

I stiffened as Adrian's presence suddenly filled the room. My senses were already overwhelmed as I turned to look at him. He'd changed clothes, I noticed, now donning a navy blue shirt instead of the white one from before, and something about his demeanor as he had entered seemed lighter and heavier at the same time.

He turned to his sister, voice gentle. "Tell the twins we're headed back to Chicago. I'm sure they won't be far behind. Are you and Matthew packed?"

"Yes," she said, and a look of understanding crossed her pretty features. "I'm going to go wake him from his nap. Meet you out front in twenty."

I understood, then. She was giving us time to be alone -- something we hadn't had the chance to do since I had come here.

I looked over at the clock on the bedside table, reading six in the morning. More time had passed than I thought.

"Are you ready?"

I turned around and almost jumped out of my skin. Adrian was standing directly in front of me, so close that there was no way I wouldn't've heard him approaching. The suspicion piled even higher as I looked directly into his eyes.

"You move so quietly," I stated, unable to hold it in.

He didn't appear bothered by that. "Habit, I guess."

Before I could thoroughly think that answer through, he continued.

"You can still change your mind, you know. I will not force you to go with me."

That surprised me. The way he'd been acting since he found out I was running from town didn't match up with this.

"Of course, I'd follow you wherever else you went."

That did.

Part of me wanted to ask why he would. We hadn't known each other for half a year, yet he seemed to feel as devoted to me as I did to him. Was there a way he could feel our mate bond too? Or was he really something supernatural?

"No, I'm sure," I replied after a moment. I stood from the edge of the bed, about to slide the bag onto my shoulder. The rest of my luggage was still in my car, which Adrian had assured me would be waiting for us in Chicago. The single bag I had with me was the only thing I would take on the plane with us for the two hour flight.

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