29. Even he can change

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|Jungkook's perspective|

     "You are ok?" Jimin hyung asks me and I nod, then I look in my book again.

    "Yeah, just a little tired." I lie then I smile.

    The truth is another one. I'm still confused as fuck about what happened yesterday, when... When Taehyung kissed me. I don't know if it was just a miserable joke, or something that he really wanted it— I guees the first option, I can't even imagine the second one. He is hot, handsome, funny, and I am... Well, I'm Jungkook. It's one even a tiny chance that he really wanted to kiss me.

     After he kissed me, I pushed him, then ran to Jimin's room. I lied to him that I fought with Taehyung ( a lame reason like he stoled my last bottle of banana milk) that's why I want to sleep in his room. And I'm very grateful that he's alone and doesn't have a roommate, so I was able to stay overnight without any problems. And even though Taehyung called me more than five times, I couldn't bring myself to answer him. I was - and still I am - too overwhelmed. He stoled my first kiss. And even bad than that... I liked it.

     I really liked it. And this is the worst part. Because I can't afford to look at him in another way beside a friendly one. I know I will be the only one who will escape with a broken heart. The only one who will be with a dead soul. And I can't do this. I'm already broken enough, and I can't be more than this. I have my own limits.

     And last night I stayed until late to think about something. Taehyung told me even in the first day here, to not even think about falling in love with him, so the conclusion is... he just made fun of me. He pretended to be friend with me, just to play with my heart. And I feel my heart aching harder and harder in every second, because I trusted him. I really did. And I'm disappointed in myself.

     "I can talk with Taehyung if you want. I will make him to regret! And please remember me to not touch your bottles of banana milk in the future." I hear Jimin hyung again, then I look at him a little amused.

     "Don't worry." I simple reply, and when I see Taehyung's face, I feel like I will pass out.

    He looks at me as well, then I gulp hardly, when I notice he takes some steps closer to me. I get up from the bench, while my looks at confused.


       "I... I remember I have a test this class, so I have to learn! See you later!" I quickly excuse myself, then I start to run, because hell, I don't want to see Taehyung.

     I don't know how time I will be able to avoid him, but I will try as much as I can. I really thought he wanted to help me, but after what happened yesterday, I figured out that he is just another person who loves to play with my feelings.

|Taehyung's perspective|

     "Why you look so off? You didn't fucked last night? I saw a hot girl outside, I can introduce her to you if you want." Yoongi say to me and I just look at him bored.

     "Leave me alone, I don't have time for your stupid jokes." I answer and Hoseok looks at me intently.

      "Woah, easy. What's happening?" he asks me after and I just rolls my eyes.

     "It's none of your business." I tell then I get up.

     Hoseok does the same thing, then he stops me, catching my left wrist. I look at him confused.

     "What you did? What happened?" he asks me after and I just look at the floor for a few seconds.

     "I... I kissed him." I whisper and he looks at me amazed.

      "Woah, you sure are fast, sir." he jokes but when he sees my serious glance, he stops. "And why are you like this then? It wasn't as amazing as you thought will be?" he asks again and I just sigh.

     "It's not about that. It was amazing." I reply with a small smile, and he looks at me even more confused.

    "Then what's the problem?" I hear him and I gulp.

      "Well... After I kissed him, he ran away and now he avoids me." I admit and he start to laugh.

      "I can't believe our great Kim Taehyung was rejected by someone!" he starts to make fun of me, and I show him my middle finger.

      "Shut up, and help me, you idiot."

       "I have a suspicion. Maybe he reacted like that because you have a reputation... not really so trustful." he says and I frown, because I don't understand a thing.

     "What do you mean?" I want to make clear and he just rolls his eyes.

     "You are a playboy you stupid head. You fuck every girl you see. Maybe Jungkook thought you just want to play with him too." he explains and I'm speechless a few seconds.

     This can be a possibility. Jungkook really thinks that? He really thinks that everything was just a game for me?

     Well... Truth to be told, at the beginning everything was just a game, but after I started to know him, I changed my thoughts. I started to feel like I'm a better person, every time I was around him. And it was hard to understand why, but I was able to figure out what happened with me.

     He was able to do what nobody else could. He made me to fall in love with him. With his bunny smile, his warm voice and his childish yet shy attitude.

     But after I kissed him— I was too impatient because I'm stupid—  I destroyed everything— even our friendship. And now he can't even look at my face.

     But I can't let this situation to continue. I have to do something. I have to show Jungkook that even I can change.



     Hello angels! New chapter hehe:) Kinda boring but I was in class while I wrote it:))))

    I wait for your opinions and see u at the next chapter!!


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